Thanks to Victoria for taking me to MDA this morning. I thought it would be a quick day, but I was wrong. All the waiting rooms were packed and the wait times were long. Amazingly my blood pressure stayed good, even with the frustrations of hurry up and wait. Mr B was with me for most of my chemo and I got home in time to crawl into bed and take the medications that will relax me and keep me sleeping and comfortable throughout the night, or until eight hours expires and it's time to re-dose. I'm also very happy that I got medication for my mouth sores. The warm salt-water gargles just weren't doing the job.
I spent probably an hour talking to a woman who I think is my age. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, and spent two years in treatment at MDA. She celebrated being cancer free until 2014, when more tumors were found. She is again at the end of her treatments, but will remain on medication and have checkups every three months. She was up beat, positive, courageous, brave, beautiful and an inspiration. I felt sorry for her because her friend who drove her to MDA from Bryan, TX never got off her cellphone except to complain about how long they were waiting.
Today I'm celebrating everyone who has called, texted, emailed, come by the house, driven me somewhere, taken me to lunch, sent me flowers or cards or something comfy, etc. You all brighten my days and I'm so thankful. I'll probably not post for the next several days as my body recovers from the latest chemo treatment and screams "WHY?" I find I do best just sleeping as much a possible for the first few days.