Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's Cancer - Great news!

I didn't post yesterday because it was a long day at MDA. It started with Sandy picking me up at 6:30 a.m. (thanks, Sandy!) My first mammo was at 7:30 a.m. Around 8:30 a.m. was the molecular mammo that's an ongoing study at MDA. It's much easier and more informative than a regular mammo. When it's available, you'll thank me for being part of the protocol. Around 10 a.m. was un ultrasound.

I had a break from 11 a.m. while I read my book before having blood drawn at noon. Then it was time for lunch and more book reading. The appointment with my oncologist was at 2 p.m. (to give MDA time to get blood work and imaging results to her). She had a emergency and I waited an hour and a half to see her (more book reading), but the wait was worth it. She delivered the incredible news that my tumor has shrunken after two chemo treatments. On a gray day, this was the best news ever! By the time I left the doctor, had my port accessed and received my chemo treatment, it was 8:30 p.m. before Mr. B and I left MDA (he was with me during chemo).

Today I'm celebrating prescription drugs. Every six hours I take medications for nausea and pain. I also have an on-body injector attached to my left arm. It will start injecting medicine at 11:30 p.m. tonight to help protect against infections. After about 45 minutes all the medicine will be delivered and I (Mr. B) will pull the device off my arm. Before the Neulasta device was in use, most people had to go back to the hospital or doctor's office to get an injection. Progress!