Tuesday, November 22, 2016

It's Cancer - Vein for blood work

I don't think I've ever seen MDA so empty as it was this morning. I barely filled out the mandatory form before my name was called. After a couple of minutes, the nurse was able to find a vein for my blood work, and I was back in the car on my way home.

This afternoon I finished everything I wanted to do before chemo tomorrow. This mainly involved going to the grocery store (again) to ensure the few items Mr. B cooks are in the pantry and fridge. I have to keep the man fueled so he can take care of me.

Today I'm celebrating a quiet house. Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick and TLP are off to "the valley" for Thanksgiving. Through Sunday, Mr. B and I (plus Rose) will be the only ones in the house.

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