Wednesday, November 2, 2016

It's Cancer - Catching up with friends

Yesterday I drove myself to vote. There were only about five to seven people in front of me in the line. When I showed my driver's license for identification, the man looked at my picture and me several times. I told him I was willing to remove my cap, but warned him that my hair wasn't the same as in the photo. A woman next to him finally smiled and told me that wouldn't be necessary.

You know how you have friends who you keep in touch with via emails and Facebook? Then, when you finally get together, after a few minutes of talking about what's currently going on in your lives and sharing photos the conversation turns to happy memories and lots of laughter. I had a wonderful lunch today with two such friends.

Today I'm celebrating Susan and Wayne. I met Wayne when we were in college and Susan was my writing buddy when we both worked for corporate American. Wayne was a partner in a graphic design firm that worked with us. It was so good to see the two of them. Let's not wait so long between visits!

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