Friday, November 4, 2016

It's Cancer - Nagging backache

For about 24 hours now I've had a sore back. I didn't think it was related to my cancer treatment, but knew I should call the doctor's office to see what I could take. Come to find out, the deep tissue ache I'm experiencing is a side effect of one of the medications. For the next six months, I guess I should just assume that every ache and pain I have is related to chemo. I'm lucky that I'm not experiencing some of the more severe side effects.

I had lunch today with friends Chris, Sharon and Victoria. We ate at Shade where, I'm happy to report, the new chef is doing a good job with new and old recipes. It was fun to catch up with the ladies while having a tasty lunch. I feel so comfortable with these women that I took off my cap and showed them the peach fuzz on my head.

Today I'm celebrating Martha, Mary, Marsha, Jade and Seth, who live outside of Dallas. I got a care package from them yesterday that included hand-knitted socks, a necklace created especially for me, a sweet book, and a wonderful card with well wishes from all of them. I'm sending love and thanks back to them.

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