Sunday, October 30, 2016

It's Cancer - To cover my head or not

Yesterday I had lunch with Mr. B at the local "grill" where there were several people that we know. I didn't have a cap on my head, which seemed to make even people I didn't know uncomfortable.

Here's my dilemma. As someone with a "people-pleasing" personality, I don't want to make people feel uneasy. Yet when it's 85+ degrees outside, I don't want to put anything on my head because I'll start sweating.

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B's aunt, who is 95 years young. Happy birthday, Evelyn! See you this afternoon at a family gathering to celebrate your long life.


  1. I am proud of you for writing all of this down, no matter what. Keep it up.

    1. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face and positive attitude in Houston next month. I saw Liz last Saturday and told her I'm still planning on participating in the Heights Artisan Market.

    2. It was good to see you out and about, Julie, and I will be by later in the week with promised chicken soup. Will call first to make sure it's a good time.
