Wednesday, November 30, 2016

It's Cancer - A better day

I got numerous encouraging comments from friends after yesterday's blog. The comments all made me smile and feel happy. I actually put on clothes today, which doesn't happen every day, except for the dreaded bra.

I feel the mouth sores coming back. Will they always appear after I have chemo? Fortunately, I have my "swish and swallow" mouth medication. And, fortunately, (sweet) Big Daddy Nick drove to get me mac and cheese for lunch. I needed something soft to chew and swallow.

Today I'm celebrating my new green cap that came in the mail. I'm sure I look absolutely ridiculous wearing a green cap with a big flower on it, a dark pink breast cancer t-shirt (from my sister-in-law), black stretchy pants, and non-matching socks, but who cares. I'm comfortable.

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