Sunday, November 6, 2016

It's Cancer - Sunday without a Texans' game

How am I supposed to have my afternoon nap without a Texans' game? And Sunday won't be Sunday without an afternoon

On a more serious note, I said something yesterday that I didn't mean to be taken the way it was. I spoke the logical truth, but I guess the subject was just too emotionally sensitive. This makes me sad because the last thing I want to do is hurt this person. Yet no amount of apologies or rational conversation seemed to affect this person's hurt feelings. I guess time is the only healer in this case.

Today I'm celebrating long-time friend Kim. She is another person from my long ago corporate marketing communication days. She sent me a care package and a note letting me know that her 8 Ball said, "All good ahead for Julie." I like her 8 Ball.

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