Thursday, October 27, 2016

It's Cancer - Day after Chemo #2

On the first day after my second chemo I have no appetite, I'm nauseous, and my hands are shaking. I've eaten a few saltine crackers this morning and in a few minutes I'm going to take my morning meds. About an hour after that I'll be asleep (I hope).

I had a total of seven drip bags during chemo yesterday. I also had an on-body injector (OBI) placed on my arm. This device will help to boost my immune system 27 hours after the small needle was placed on my arm. Once the medicine is delivered I'll pull the device off. The side effect is muscle aches, which I'm experiencing this morning. It feels like I have the flu, except my head isn't congested.

Today I'm celebrating a clinical dietitian I met yesterday at MDA. She gave me tons of tips and ideas on what to eat and what to avoid. I'm ordering a book she recommended. She also recommended some ginger chews to help settle my stomach (have one of those in my mouth now).

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