Thursday, December 15, 2016

It's Cancer - Phase II of chemo begins tomorrow

Mr. B will drop me at MDA tomorrow morning in time for my blood work at 6:30 a.m. Next I'll have my port accessed before being examined by my oncologist. Around 9 a.m. chemo is supposed to start. If everything goes on schedule, I should be home and in bed by noon or so, and asleep soon thereafter.

I went to the Dollar Store today to get gift boxes. I was in and out in no time, but now realize that I should have gotten some stocking stuffers while I was there.

Today I'm celebrating Lynn Roberts, a high school friend. A group of high school girlfriends get together every year in January. I was concerned about driving myself this year to New Braunsfels, which is where we meet most years. Today I got an email from Lynn who also lives in Houston. She offered me a ride to and from the reunion. Just one more example of human kindness.

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