Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Sunday before Christmas

A close up of a little mitten I made for the tree,
as well as the construction paper garland made
by Dr. Mc.
Tomorrow begins Christmas week. It's going to seem strange at the house because Mr. B is taking Monday off of work. He'll be home tomorrow, but the McZams (Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick and TLP) won't be here because they are house sitting. They left this afternoon and won't be back at the house until Friday (Christmas Day).

I've determined that I only need to get two more Christmas gifts. That is a great feeling. I still have several gifts to wrap, but I've already wrapped most everything. This is also a great feeling.

Today I'm celebrating Christmas movies. I've watched two today, including one of my favorites: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I'm amazed at Chevy Chase's physical comedy, which always makes me laugh. Big Daddy Nick and I also watched the Texan's game. Good game resulting in a Texan's win.

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