Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas to one and all! So far it has been a quiet morning at the Pettits' home. We're celebrating Christmas with the family beginning around 4 p.m. I did most of the cooking yesterday. As soon as I can pull myself away from watching A Christmas Story for the 15th time in the past 24 hours, I'm going to bake an apple pie. Other than making a salad just before dinner (Mr. B is grilling the steaks and salmon outside), I'm ready.

We did get some photos from Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick showing their Christmas morning with TLP. She said his favorite present from Santa was his new fork (yes, the boy likes to eat). I've title the pic-of-the-day, "Joy to the World." Apparently he isn't pleased with his tricycle/stroller.

Today I'm celebrating the blessing of life, including family and friends.

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