Saturday, December 19, 2015

One more day than I thought

Our Christmas tree covered with handmade
felt ornaments and construction paper garland.
Dr. Mc told me last night that Christmas isn't until this coming Friday. For weeks I've thought that Christmas was Thursday. I attribute my confusion to the fact that we usually have our family Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve, but this year we've switched to Christmas night. So instead of being ready with decorations, presents and dinner on Christmas Eve, which is Thursday, I've gained a day.

We have another Christmas party tonight. I was thinking I had nothing to wear, but alas, looking in my closet(s) I found several things that I haven't worn in at least three years. If it is cool enough I'm wearing a long velvet coat dress that is very festive.

Today I'm celebrating a finished Christmas tree. This morning I finished the last of the handmade ornaments and hung them on the tree. It's a very sweet little tree, if I do say so myself.

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