Saturday, December 26, 2015

The calm after the rush

It was great fun with family for Christmas dinner, even though half of the group were sick, including TLP. His new tooth can barely be seen through his gum, but his fussiness, drooling and runny nose were a dead give away.

One of my favorite events occurred after dinner. Everyone got comfortable as the pillows and blankets were spread around the television room (a.k.a. Aulay World because that's where all of his toys and playpen reside). We turned out most of the lights and watched a Christmas movie. I didn't realize that beef tender and salmon contained tryptophan, but there was a lot of snoring during movie.

Today I'm celebrating a quiet house. The festivities are over and the dishes are almost put away. The china, silver and crystal look wonderful on the Christmas table, but "oh what a bitch to clean."


  1. Sounds like y'all had a lovely day. I'd be grateful for a little quiet myself.

    1. I'm enjoying the calm this weekend, then I have so many craft ideas to begin. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
