Thursday, December 10, 2015

Almost ready

Three finished baby quilts, the top of each made
from vintage chenille squares pieces together.
Mr B had dinner with two of his buddies tonight. I'm happy for him, but wish he was better about bringing home the gossip. I know these three guys and am sure there was gossip, but Mr. B is always so tight lipped.

Since he wasn't home, Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick, TLP and I had Thai food (Mr. B doesn't like to eat it). The front of my blouse was covered with Thai noodles. It's not good when I have more food on the front of me that TLP has on him. When I get tired my hands shake. Hand shakes combined with noodles are a bad combination for me.

Today I'm celebrating nice weather. The power was off all over the neighborhood for approximately two hours, so I took TLP outside for a walk. I tried to hold his hand to steady him, but he didn't want me to do that. He is so independent.

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