Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Decking the halls

If only our house was twice its size, everything we own would fit inside. Since I haven't been able to find growth hormones for the house, I suppose I'll have to continue purging things.
Mittens (about 6" long) pinned and ready for
me to stitch together.

We have a storage unit that is also filled to the max. We got the storage unit a little more than a year ago. I have no idea what is in there, so I wonder how important the contents is to our lives. I know there are a pair of chairs that I should take to The Guild Shop to be sold on consignment. 

Today I'm celebrating handmade ornaments. I've cut out the fronts and backs of half a dozen felt mittens. After TLP goes to sleep tonight I'll stitch the mittens together. He is much too interested in the needles and thread for me to attempt sewing while he is around. His little fingers are everywhere.

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