Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Go Coogs!

The University of Houston is playing in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl tonight. In honor of my alma mater maybe we'll have sandwiches for dinner from Chick-Fil-A. I'm not sure this action is politically correct since the comments made by the fast food's COO opposing same-sex marriage. I believe in equal rights for all people, including the right for same-sex couples to love and marry each other.

I usually stay away from politics in my postings, but today is an exception. First I write about Chick-Fil-A, and now I'm stating, for the record, that I'm incredibly tired of Donald Trump. Name calling is unacceptable, and especially from someone running for POTUS. Can the man say anything nice about anyone else? Does he have to refer to people as stupid, ignorant, lazy, etc.? I would prefer that he state what needs to be changed and then provide examples of how he is going to "Make America Great Again." As it stands, I don't think name calling will ever make America great. OK. I'll be stepping off my soap box now.

Today I'm celebrating positive energy. 

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