Sunday, December 13, 2015

A relaxing Sunday

New game: Aulay-in-the-box.
My favorite Sunday breakfast is a latte and glazed cake donuts. It's necessary to get to Shipleys early because the cake donuts are very popular and sell out quickly. Fortunately, the donut goddess must have known I had been a good girl because there were three donuts left for me this morning. Yummy!

The artisan market was wonderful yesterday. I had a fun day talking to people and making sales. I sold lots of baby items, tin earrings, messenger bags and small purses. I/m excited that I sold one of the baby quilts I had worked to complete. I love the holiday aprons I make, but haven't sold one in the past year, so I don't think I'll be making more of those. At one time they were my biggest sellers. I have no complaints about yesterday's market. It was a very successful day!

Today I'm celebrating a rainy cool Sunday. I know about the outside weather only because I took Rose outside. She wasn't happy with me and we didn't stay outside for long.

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