Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve

I've already had a fun day, and there's so much more excitement to come. This morning, Dr. Mc and I had our annual Christmas get together with Mitzie and Madam. This year, TLP joined us for brunch at Quisie's as did Mitzie's grandson/ Madam's son (11-month old John Robert).

We were in a lovely side room with just the boys for most of our meal. When we first got there, the boys were just sitting in their high chairs having a stare down. Before the meal came TLP was able to walk around and John Robert was crawling. I loved seeing the boys interacting.

Today I'm celebrating New Year's Eve. Mr. B will be taking TLP and me to dinner tonight. I have the cutest little outfit for the boy to wear. Photos will be available tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Go Coogs!

The University of Houston is playing in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl tonight. In honor of my alma mater maybe we'll have sandwiches for dinner from Chick-Fil-A. I'm not sure this action is politically correct since the comments made by the fast food's COO opposing same-sex marriage. I believe in equal rights for all people, including the right for same-sex couples to love and marry each other.

I usually stay away from politics in my postings, but today is an exception. First I write about Chick-Fil-A, and now I'm stating, for the record, that I'm incredibly tired of Donald Trump. Name calling is unacceptable, and especially from someone running for POTUS. Can the man say anything nice about anyone else? Does he have to refer to people as stupid, ignorant, lazy, etc.? I would prefer that he state what needs to be changed and then provide examples of how he is going to "Make America Great Again." As it stands, I don't think name calling will ever make America great. OK. I'll be stepping off my soap box now.

Today I'm celebrating positive energy. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Winter comes to Houston

So few days let in 2015. I've seen many people write on Facebook that 2015 was a bad year for them. I can think of good things that happened during the year, but I'm not sure that all of 2015 has been the best year for me. I still don't know what caused my health problems in October and not working for the past several months hasn't been the best. I'm bored and not accomplishing much, but I can't blame anyone but myself for my boredom and being lazy.

On a completely different subject, I have a mosquito bite on my wrist. I hate itchy mosquito bites in the winter. Isn't the cold weather supposed to kill the little b@$t^&ds?

Today I'm celebrating Zoo Lights, which is where TLP went tonight in his red All-Star Converse high tops. The high tops are small and cute, just like the boy who wears them.

Monday, December 28, 2015

A beautiful day in Houston

If you don't like the weather in Houston, just wait a few minutes. This was certainly an honest statement to make the weather yesterday. The morning was hot, humid, and nearly unbearable. Then the rains and high winds plowed their way through the area, and the temperature dropped significantly. This morning the temperature was 40 degrees when I woke up, and another cold front is supposed to pass through Houston on Wednesday. Hurray for a little winter weather.

There's no secret that I have watched General Hospital for years. When ABC had multiple soap operas on every day, General Hospital was my least favorite, but it has grown on me since it's the last one on the air. I understand that there are going to be cast changes in the near future. This is good, in my opinion, because I'm tired of some of these characters and most of the trite plot lines.

Today I'm celebrating Melinda and Maya. Melinda has been one of Kendall's best friends since middle school. She lives in Brooklyn, NY and is in Houston for a visit. About a year ago Melinda and her husband (Tony) had a baby girl. I look forward to seeing Melinda and meeting the beautiful Maya Grace for the first time tonight.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The quiet before the storm

We've been waiting all day for the rain and cold weather to arrive in Houston, which happened about an hour ago. We did have a record high temperature on Christmas day. It will be nice to have a cooler New Year.

While waiting for the weather to change, I (partially) watched the Texans game. I understand that the Tennessee Titans are a lousy team, but it's always exciting when the Texans win, regardless of the squad they're playing.

Today I'm celebrating my serger. I bought the damn machine at least 18 months ago and it's still in the box. I was ready to read the booklet on how to use the machine until a friend scared me away from that approach. As a Christmas gift, Mr. B is paying for lessons on how to use the serger. I'm looking forward to creating new items with my fabulous toy.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The calm after the rush

It was great fun with family for Christmas dinner, even though half of the group were sick, including TLP. His new tooth can barely be seen through his gum, but his fussiness, drooling and runny nose were a dead give away.

One of my favorite events occurred after dinner. Everyone got comfortable as the pillows and blankets were spread around the television room (a.k.a. Aulay World because that's where all of his toys and playpen reside). We turned out most of the lights and watched a Christmas movie. I didn't realize that beef tender and salmon contained tryptophan, but there was a lot of snoring during movie.

Today I'm celebrating a quiet house. The festivities are over and the dishes are almost put away. The china, silver and crystal look wonderful on the Christmas table, but "oh what a bitch to clean."

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas to one and all! So far it has been a quiet morning at the Pettits' home. We're celebrating Christmas with the family beginning around 4 p.m. I did most of the cooking yesterday. As soon as I can pull myself away from watching A Christmas Story for the 15th time in the past 24 hours, I'm going to bake an apple pie. Other than making a salad just before dinner (Mr. B is grilling the steaks and salmon outside), I'm ready.

We did get some photos from Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick showing their Christmas morning with TLP. She said his favorite present from Santa was his new fork (yes, the boy likes to eat). I've title the pic-of-the-day, "Joy to the World." Apparently he isn't pleased with his tricycle/stroller.

Today I'm celebrating the blessing of life, including family and friends.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

TLP a year ago in his silly reindeer cap.
I'm inspried by many others and yesterday, I spent time with two women who motivate me with their creativity. In the afternoon I went to Pam's studio where she makes lovely silver jewelry, delightful soft sculpture dolls, and beautiful music on her baby grand piano. We talked for about 45 minutes and I left encouraged to try new things.

Then, last night, Sandra from across the street delivered her annual gift of homemade pumpkin bread. She shared a glass of wine with Mr. B and me. Sandra is a fabulous painter so we always spend time talking about local art. Also, she has a tremendous soul and is always able to find the good and/or humorous in people and situations. She inspires me in so many ways.

Today I'm celebrating creativity. Both Pam and Sandra told me that they can't work in a messy studio. I love the idea of an organized studio and am making a resolution to get my space organized and keep it that way.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

To the grocery store I go

I want to go to the grocery store today so I can start cooking tomorrow. There will be eight of us (including TLP) for Christmas dinner on Friday.

We used to tease my mom about cooking enough in case the Air Force arrived unexpectedly for dinner. She would start cooking days before Thanksgiving or Christmas to ensure that her grandchildren had their special desserts. Sweetness always requested a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, when all she really wanted was the whipped cream on top. Each year, Mother would bake a pumpkin pie for Sweetness, which usually went untouched except for the topping. I don't think anyone actually liked pumpkin pie.

Today I'm celebrating memories of Christmases at my grandparents' home in Bryan, TX. We always went to their house because my grandfather was part owner in a men's clothing store, which meant he worked on Christmas Eve. Daddy was an only child so there were only six of us until Christmas Day when many of my great aunts and uncles would come for Christmas lunch. Tons of people in a really small house with delicious food (especially desserts). Great memories of fun times.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A full day

At the rate I'm going, I should have the house decorated for Christmas by Valentine's Day. Note to readers: Next year, please remind me to start decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving.

Even if I had the house decorated, there is still the problem of decoration boxes in the dining room. They need to be moved into the garage for now. Unfortunately, once in the garage we may not be able to find the boxes again. Yes, the garage is that bad!

Today I'm celebrating sweet potato fries. I baked the fries for dinner tonight and they were so good!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Checking things off my Christmas to-do list(s)

Felt Christmas tree hanging on the bigger tree.
I made the mistake of going to Target this afternoon. Since it was Monday (a work day and four days before Christmas) I didn't expect a crowd in the middle of the afternoon. I was so wrong. People were running into me with their carts and – worst of all – stopping in the middle of the aisle. Annoying.

On a more serious note, my heart breaks for Jimmy Carter and his family. How tragic that Carter's 28 year-old grandson died suddenly, and at this time of the year. We got word last night that Mr. B's aunt died last weekend. I think I only met her once at our wedding, which was almost 21 years ago. Her service will be on the morning of Christmas Eve.

Today I'm celebrating my family by hanging our Christmas stockings. With everyone out of the house except Mr. B, Rose and me, I'm also going to sit on the floor to finish wrapping presents.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Sunday before Christmas

A close up of a little mitten I made for the tree,
as well as the construction paper garland made
by Dr. Mc.
Tomorrow begins Christmas week. It's going to seem strange at the house because Mr. B is taking Monday off of work. He'll be home tomorrow, but the McZams (Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick and TLP) won't be here because they are house sitting. They left this afternoon and won't be back at the house until Friday (Christmas Day).

I've determined that I only need to get two more Christmas gifts. That is a great feeling. I still have several gifts to wrap, but I've already wrapped most everything. This is also a great feeling.

Today I'm celebrating Christmas movies. I've watched two today, including one of my favorites: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I'm amazed at Chevy Chase's physical comedy, which always makes me laugh. Big Daddy Nick and I also watched the Texan's game. Good game resulting in a Texan's win.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

One more day than I thought

Our Christmas tree covered with handmade
felt ornaments and construction paper garland.
Dr. Mc told me last night that Christmas isn't until this coming Friday. For weeks I've thought that Christmas was Thursday. I attribute my confusion to the fact that we usually have our family Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve, but this year we've switched to Christmas night. So instead of being ready with decorations, presents and dinner on Christmas Eve, which is Thursday, I've gained a day.

We have another Christmas party tonight. I was thinking I had nothing to wear, but alas, looking in my closet(s) I found several things that I haven't worn in at least three years. If it is cool enough I'm wearing a long velvet coat dress that is very festive.

Today I'm celebrating a finished Christmas tree. This morning I finished the last of the handmade ornaments and hung them on the tree. It's a very sweet little tree, if I do say so myself.

Friday, December 18, 2015

A little Grinch in the house

I receive emails about upcoming and ongoing estate sales in and around Houston. I enjoy previewing photos of what will be included in the sales.

This week I've been looking at an estate sale that started today. I was tempted to go because there was a photo of what appeared to be a framed print by R.C. Gorman, who was a Taos, NM artist. We have a Gorman lithograph in Pettita Casita in Santa Fe so I talked myself out of going to the estate sale today. I have other priorities rather than buying another piece of artwork.

Today I'm celebrating the cutest little Grinch. Dr. Mc found a green sweater with the Grinch's face on the front. TLP looks so cute in the sweater. Then again, he looks cute in everything he wears.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Summer haircut in mid-December

I was out of the house most of this afternoon. As I was getting in the car, I realized that I hadn't left the house in four days. This is how I roll.

I knocked out the remainder of my Christmas shopping this afternoon. I went to Highland Village, which wasn't crazy busy. I might only go to that shopping area once a year and am always surprised to see that stores have moved around. It was tempting to do some shopping for myself, but I refrained.

Today I'm celebrating a super short haircut. I had this haircut when I was 19 and it was cute. I'm not sure that the pixie fits my current face and body type. Thank goodness my hair will grow out!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Decking the halls

If only our house was twice its size, everything we own would fit inside. Since I haven't been able to find growth hormones for the house, I suppose I'll have to continue purging things.
Mittens (about 6" long) pinned and ready for
me to stitch together.

We have a storage unit that is also filled to the max. We got the storage unit a little more than a year ago. I have no idea what is in there, so I wonder how important the contents is to our lives. I know there are a pair of chairs that I should take to The Guild Shop to be sold on consignment. 

Today I'm celebrating handmade ornaments. I've cut out the fronts and backs of half a dozen felt mittens. After TLP goes to sleep tonight I'll stitch the mittens together. He is much too interested in the needles and thread for me to attempt sewing while he is around. His little fingers are everywhere.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Handmade Christmas tree decorations

A little felt stocking (about 6" long) to hang on
the Christmas tree. TLP can't hurt the ornaments
or himself.
Tuesday is my favorite television night. On the History Channel there are two programs that I really like. First on is The Curse of Oak Island. Will the brothers and their partners ever find buried treasures? I hope so! Next I watch Hunting Hitler. I believe that Hitler and many other Nazis were able to flee Germany in the days before Berlin fell. This program is tracing their possible escape to Argentina.

At the house, we have been talking about decorating the front porch, but nothing seems to be happening. So tonight, while I was home alone, I placed an artificial tree with lights and three packages with lights on the porch. I was wondering if anyone would notice. When Mr. B came home after work, it was the first thing he mentioned. Good for him.

Today I'm celebrating crafts. Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick and I have been making Christmas tree decorations out of felt and construction paper. This afternoon I spent several hours in my craft studio making felt items for the tree. It was really fun. More to come tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Cool and crisp on the way to Houston

It was bath time in the kitchen sink this morning. I love to soap up TLP's hair and then do strange things with it. TLP's Zamora grandfather reminded me that when he does this style on his own at 14 and dyes his hair green, we'll be pissed.

Mr. B remembers the first time he saw Big Daddy Nick when Kendall was moving into the dorm at UT. Although his hair is very close to black, Nick had attempted to dye it blonde. That was 1998. None of us would have guessed at that time that Nick and Kendall would marry 10 years later and have a little boy with blonde hair six years after that.

Today I'm celebrating singers. I watched the finale of The Voice and now I'm watching Adele's television special. Such beautiful voices!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A relaxing Sunday

New game: Aulay-in-the-box.
My favorite Sunday breakfast is a latte and glazed cake donuts. It's necessary to get to Shipleys early because the cake donuts are very popular and sell out quickly. Fortunately, the donut goddess must have known I had been a good girl because there were three donuts left for me this morning. Yummy!

The artisan market was wonderful yesterday. I had a fun day talking to people and making sales. I sold lots of baby items, tin earrings, messenger bags and small purses. I/m excited that I sold one of the baby quilts I had worked to complete. I love the holiday aprons I make, but haven't sold one in the past year, so I don't think I'll be making more of those. At one time they were my biggest sellers. I have no complaints about yesterday's market. It was a very successful day!

Today I'm celebrating a rainy cool Sunday. I know about the outside weather only because I took Rose outside. She wasn't happy with me and we didn't stay outside for long.

Friday, December 11, 2015

The baby quilts are finished!

Portions of the pink and lavender quilts.
As if we could fit another thing in this small house, there is now a wagon in the living room. And the box that the wagon came in is in TLP's room (which we refer to as Aulay World because the floor is covered with a patted rug squares and that's where we keep all of his toys and the bed he uses for naps). The box has been turned into a tunnel. I climbed into the tunnel, which was tight, and he decided to crawl in after me. We were both giggling.

Last night I decided to make another blue quilt top. I was planning to make four, but realized I had tops for pink, lavender, yellow/orange, and blue/green quilts. I wanted to make another blue one, so as of today I have five baby quilts ready for tomorrow. I'm very excited how they turned out!

Today I'm celebrating youth. I love getting on the floor and playing with TLP. He makes me laugh, which is good for everything.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Almost ready

Three finished baby quilts, the top of each made
from vintage chenille squares pieces together.
Mr B had dinner with two of his buddies tonight. I'm happy for him, but wish he was better about bringing home the gossip. I know these three guys and am sure there was gossip, but Mr. B is always so tight lipped.

Since he wasn't home, Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick, TLP and I had Thai food (Mr. B doesn't like to eat it). The front of my blouse was covered with Thai noodles. It's not good when I have more food on the front of me that TLP has on him. When I get tired my hands shake. Hand shakes combined with noodles are a bad combination for me.

Today I'm celebrating nice weather. The power was off all over the neighborhood for approximately two hours, so I took TLP outside for a walk. I tried to hold his hand to steady him, but he didn't want me to do that. He is so independent.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Clicking along

Another pair of tin earrings.
There was a crying baby in the house this afternoon. It didn't matter what I tried, he kept crying.

He was congested (like everyone else in the house) so I think he wasn't feeling well. Another reason I think he wasn't feeling well was that he wanted me to hold him, which never happens. Then he laid still on a pillow, which doesn't happen unless he is asleep. As long as someone was sitting next to him, he was fine. But he didn't want to play, eat or drink.

Today I'm celebrating my sewing. I cut out the blocks for two baby quilt tops and have sewn one together. I may sew the other together tonight. It's getting closer and closer to the artisan market on Saturday.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


It has been a long 24+ hours. Last night I had an MRI at Memorial/Hermann in the medical center. Today I had an EEG in another part of Memorial/Hermann in the medical center. I parked in the right spot last night, but today I parked and hiked across the campus.

I'm not sure if the noise of the MRI (plus being enclosed in a tunnel) or the stuff put on my head for the EEG are more irritating. Either way, I hope doctors will be able to determine what's going on with me so I don't need to have the procedures again.

Today I'm celebrating crafts. Yesterday I cut out the tin pieces to make earrings and tonight I put them together. Tomorrow I'm going to switch from making jewelry to sewing. I have one baby quilt top put together. I want to make another quilt top and then put the backings on them. There's nothing like waiting until the last minute (my craft show is Saturday).

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hello Monday

The Christmas tree we got on Saturday made it into the house this morning. We're making a kid-friendly tree that probably won't include lights. All those family ornaments will stay packed away this year. We're creating felt ornaments and paper garland to use as decorations.

This morning was Rose's annual visit to the vet. I'm proud to say that she has lost weight and now weighs just under 16 pounds. Although she doesn't see or hear well the vet told me she is in very good health for a senior dog. Go Rose! 

Today I'm celebrating the lives of more than 2,400 people who were killed on December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

A quiet Sunday afternoon

Yesterday immediately after TLP's hair cut.
I'm participating in an artisan market next Saturday (December 12). Instead of creating items, I'm watching the Texans' game. Sadly, it's half time and the home team is behind.

Besides working in my craft room, I could be decorating the house, cleaning, reading, making kid-safe ornaments for the Christmas tree, and/or doing something else productive, but instead I'm watching a football game and playing on the computer while still in my pajamas.

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B. Instead of lounging around with me (he doesn't like watching football), he's outside on a ladder putting up decorations. He is excited for TLP to see the lights.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

First visit with Santa

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I blogged. I'd write a long blog and catch up except I have a hard time remembering what happened last week, much less a month ago.

This morning I took TLP to get a hair cut. There is a cute new place that opened up about three blocks from the house that only cuts kids' hair. TLP sat in a little police car and pushed all the buttons while his hair was cut. He was so entertained that he didn't notice the hair cut. Once again we can see TLP's eyes.

Today I'm celebrating TLP's first visit to Santa Claus. He sat on Santa's lap for about two minutes while Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick and I snapped photos. The pic-of-the-day was taken about a second before TLP started screaming. I was closest so I saved him from big ole Santa. This was certainly a day to remember in a grandmother's life.