Friday, January 27, 2017

It's Cancer - Another cold

I don't know if my head cold was brought on by my weakened immune system (thanks, chemo) or by the constantly changing of weather (hot, cold, hot, cold) or a combination of both, but I have another one. The cold I had two months ago was severe and lasted for three weeks. My doctor postponed one of my chemo treatments because I was so ill. I'm not ready for another cold like that.

I must be sick because I've decided to take a day off from the Internet (after I post my blog) because I just can't stomach all the political crap. My disconnect might even last through the weekend. If I'm not back online until Monday, have a good weekend.

Today I'm celebrating Chinese New Year 2017. The myth beyond the holiday is that, long ago, a monster named Nian (which also means year) would come on the first day of the year and eat the crops and the livestock. But the people learned that Nian was afraid of red and loud noises, so people started decorating their homes in red and using fireworks to keep Nian away. Since the Chinese invented fireworks, this makes sense.

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