Thursday, January 26, 2017

It's Cancer - Hats off to Mary

I try to rest during the day so I can be with the family when everyone gets home. Yesterday I came home after chemo, got in bed and slept for seven hours. When a loud little boy came into the bedroom, sweetly called me name, and used gentle hands to pat me I had to get up. I woke up just in time for Big Daddy Nick to return home from the road, at which moment TLP forgot about everybody and everything except his Dada. Adorable!

This morning I have chills, achy joints and some pain in my chest. The achy joints and pain in my chest are related to the chemo meds. I like to think the pain is the chemo attacking my cancer. The chills are partially due to the chemo, but it's also cold (in Houston terms) outside and in the house.  This morning I got dressed and got back under the bedcovers with socks on my feet and a cap on my head. No heat is leaving my body through my extremities.

Today I'm celebrating Mary Tyler Moore. She had not been well for some time and now
she is at peace. I thank her for her smile, even during her personal pain. She will remain an inspiration.

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