Wednesday, February 1, 2017

It's Cancer - Chemo Phase 2, Number 7 of 12

My chemo isn't until this afternoon so I'm writing this blog before I head to MDA. I've gotten into this really bad habit of not sleeping the night before chemo so I'm really tired this morning. I shouldn't be nervous about the chemo treatment, but I'm anxious about my blood work.

Both my red and white blood cell counts were really low last week. A low white blood cell count left me prone to infections (I've had a cold and cough all week). A low red blood cell count is a sign of anemia, which means I've been weak and tired (more than usual). I'm afraid that if my blood work isn't better this afternoon my oncologist will cancel the chemo to give me another week to get stronger. This happened once in my first round of chemo.

Today I'm celebrating The Suffers. The band is playing at several of the Super Bowl events. Last night they played at the Houston Museum for Natural Science for the media party. Big Daddy Nick said Mayor Sylvester Turner had them play one of their songs, Great Day (, twice last night. The video link is for a promotion video The Suffers made last year for Houston. Look outside the window at the beginning of the video and you'll see Nick using his drum sticks to play on a railing. He is also playing the railing after Kam goes out the door. This video has been viewed more than 83K on YouTube. Not bad for a little band from the big H!