Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It's Cancer - Day before chemo

I have to stop looking at the media postings about what Trump is doing. It's driving my crazy, and so are the Facebook postings from both parties. The drama is too much and is another good reason to keep reading books!

The once-a-week chemo drugs are building up in my system, so it takes me longer and longer to recover from the treatments. When I first started round two of chemo, I was fine after a couple of days. Now my ankle, knee and hip joints ache all the time, which makes it painful to walk or stand or sit or lay for any amount of time. I keep reminding myself that this will pass. I'm getting close to the mid-point of this chemo.

Today I'm celebrating Maureen. Our daughters have been friends since high school and our grandsons are also buds. Today Maureen brought so much good, home cooked food to the house. I've been snacking on the deviled eggs all afternoon and I know Mr. B will be excited when he sees the brownies, which were still hot when delivered. And she drove from her home in Alvin to deliver the goodies. Thanks, Maureen!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, it was my pleasure!!!! And, I hope you'll let me bring dinner again soon!!!!
