Saturday, October 1, 2016

It's Cancer - Hello October

Mr. B and I had a yummy and fun dinner last night with Sandy and Dave. We talk to them all the time, but hadn't seen each other in some time. We were at a local restaurant, Shade. People come from all over town to eat at Shade, plus the local crowd is there. It was good to see other people that I hadn't seen in awhile.

Sandy has promised to help me however she can during my cancer treatments. She already has two items in her freezer for us, whenever we need them. At the end of the evening we made plans for where to eat a special meal and celebrate when I'm cancer free.

Today I'm celebrating super short hair. I love jumping out of the shower and towel drawing my hair. By the time I'm dressed, my hair is dry. I'm still not used to the shortness, but I sure enjoy the convenience.

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