Saturday, October 22, 2016

It's Cancer - Quiet Saturday

I slept past noon this morning and I liked it. I woke up in time to watch K-State defeat UT. Mitzie liked the win. She is from Kansas and K-State is her family's team. In fact, her mom and brother were at the game.

Mr. B doesn't watch sports on television. Instead he has been running my errands, such as getting me a pumpkin latte, going to the cleaners, and pressing pink shirts in time for Wednesday chemo (the family wears pink on chemo days). My blouse is ready, but he needed to press TLP's pink shirt as well as his own, which usually hangs in the closet and is only pulled out for Valentine's Day.

Today I'm celebrating Debbie W. She claims to be a non-cook, although she cooked and brought us pot roast for dinner. YUM!

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