Monday, October 10, 2016

It's Cancer - A small setback

I felt great all weekend, but was nauseous last night and didn't sleep a wink. As a result I haven't felt well all day and am extremely sluggish. I've also been very weepy, just tearing up for no reason several times. I talked to my aunt Martha in New York about attending Aggie games as a kid. Later I cried for an hour as I thought about attending the games with her, as well as my parents, older brother and uncle, who have all passed away.

Now I just heard on the news that Nestle has issued a recall for its Drumsticks, which might be contaminated with listeria bacteria. Not having Drumsticks in the grocery store freezer section is something to cry about.

Today I'm celebrating Melinda, Tony and baby Maya. I received some soft fuzzy socks from them today with a sweet note stating they're thinking about me. I wish I was sitting in a Brooklyn park with them and watching Maya play in the autumn leaves.

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