Friday, October 21, 2016

It's Cancer - National Mammography Day

I was never good about getting regular mammograms. I thought I wasn't at risk for breast cancer since there was no immediate family history and because I didn't take hormone replacements during menopause. It's too late to change my decision not to have regular mammograms, but I can encourage younger women (those 40 and older) to "do as I say, not as I did." Put on your big girl panties and get a mammogram.

Last night Dr. Mc made dinner that included cooking onions. The minute I smelled the onions I became nauseous. Going into the bedroom and closing the door didn't work by itself, so we lit tons of candles. Note to self: smelling or eating onions is a "no-no" at this point.

Today I'm celebrating leftover mac and cheese. I brought home a big portion from lunch yesterday and am looking forward to heating it up and eating it today.

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