Wednesday, February 15, 2017

It's Cancer - Chemo Phase 2, Number 9 of 12

It was a long 10-hour day, but good news from MDA. The day started with a mammogram followed by an ultrasound. My tumor has shrunk more than 50% and the cancer seems to be contained in my breast and hasn't spread to my lymph nodes. Also part of today was port access, blood work and the dreaded chemo, but I'm home now and already in bed.

I also met with my oncology surgeon and plastic surgeon today. My last chemo treatment is on Wednesday, March 8. Only three more! The doctors are giving me a month to get stronger after the last chemo before they perform surgery on Tuesday, April 11. I'll spend Monday, April 10 at the hospital with pre-op stuff and have the surgery the next day. No overnight stay in the hospital before or after the surgery.

Today I'm celebrating KS. Thanks for the Lindt chocolates. I've eaten the milk chocolates
and will now move on to the white chocolates.

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