Monday, February 6, 2017

It's Cancer - Awesome game

Since Mr. B and I both have nagging coughs, we passed on all Super Bowl parties and stayed home. But that doesn't mean we passed on the festivities and treats. In the first quarter we had chips. In the second quarter we had pizza. Third quarter was potato thins (such as twice baked potatoes). Finally, a vanilla shake during the exciting fourth quarter.

I wasn't that impressed with the commercials from the Super Bowl. This morning, one analyst slammed the commercials that were politically oriented while an analyst on another television channel said politics were "pop culture" and spots with that slant were most effective. Personally, I liked the daughter ad (Audi), but missed the clydesdales and the baby trader spots.

Today I'm celebrating Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known professionally as Lady Gaga. Best halftime show. Ever!

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