Monday, February 27, 2017

It's Cancer - Sweet treats from a sweet friend

I'm going to go to the grocery store this afternoon, or at least that is my plan. I don't need any groceries, but I do need to get out of the house. I think walking in the store while holding onto cart is an excellent idea. I'll keep my purchases to a minimum since the weight I can lift is still restricted.

I'm excited about an event that MDA is presenting at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston this Thursday night. The topic is the link between lifestyle, cancer prevention and overall health. MDA will present research and recommendations for anti-cancer living, and, in collaboration with MFAH docents, they will link this lifestyle with works of art in the galleries. The only problem is that is the night of my writing class and I've missed the last two sessions because I wasn't feeling well the day after chemo. I wish I could be two places at once.

Today I'm celebrating Katy who brought a box of six pastries to the house yesterday from her favorite bakery in Galveston. I keep nibbling on them, trying to decide which one I like best. Right now there is a six-way tie.

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