Sunday, February 19, 2017

It's Cancer - Six hours in the ER at MDA

I woke up feeling OK on Saturday morning, but as the day went on I started experiencing some pains in the middle of my chest. That was just the beginning of my problems. I was light headed, dizzy, weak, and short of breath. My whole body was tingling. My face became very flushed. Finally I told Mr. B that I needed to go to the emergency room. I wasn't sure what was happening, but the combination of ailments was troublesome.

We went to the emergency room at MDA where I was tested for a heart attack, pneumonia, bronchitis, flu and everything else viral. When I arrived my blood pressure was sky high. I had IVs in both arms and was pumped full of morphine, antibiotics and other fluids. I'm surprised I wasn't anemic after all the blood draws. My diagnosis was a severe potassium deficiency, which fits all my symptoms and, in my case, was caused by chemo. Potassium was added to my "cocktail" mix before I was discharged home to my own bed.

Today I'm celebrating Thin Mints. Mr. B pulled some from his stash in the freezer. The frozen chocolate delights were probably the best medicine for me, at least in my mind.

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