Thursday, September 15, 2016

It's Cancer

I'm starting a new blog today to journal my treatment for breast cancer. I was diagnosed on Tuesday and have cried tons, but now it's time to move on with a positive attitude.

I've started meeting with multiple doctors to learn more about my cancer and the available options. Just as I did with TLP's premature birth and 85 days in the hospital, I plan to chronicle everything with my breast cancer, so stay tuned.

Today I'm celebrating the incredible doctors and medical facilities that are available in Houston.


  1. I am sorry. May you hourney well.

  2. wow. sorry to hear this, but you my friend are one tough cookie. rock on! denise

  3. Oh Jule, so sorry to hear this. You are in a great city and I will keep you in prayer and look forward to your sure to be funny and insightful blog as your travel this path. Love you so!

  4. I'm on your side and standing by, Julie.
