Saturday, September 24, 2016

It's Cancer - Saturday house cleaning

Even with breast cancer, the house must be cleaned and the dust bunnies must be removed. Ugh. Fortunately, the house isn't very big.

One of the many things I like about MDA is the web page that is set up for each patient. Among other things there are appointment reminders. I have four appointments next week, including a port preop consultation and a follow-up with my oncologist on Friday. I didn't realize that putting the port into my chest, which will happen on Tuesday, Oct. 4, will be a surgical procedure that can take up to three hours. Mr. B will have to take his Sudoku book to the hospital.

Today I'm celebrating crafts. Tonight Mr. B and I are going to the "Craft Roundup" at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. Since it's a roundup, I'm going to wear the red cowboy boots that Mr. B gave me several years ago for Valentine's Day. Yippe ki yay!

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