Sunday, September 18, 2016

It's Cancer - Keeping my spirits high

My blood pressure has been high lately, which isn't surprising. When I first wake up, all is well for about a minute or two before I remember the battle in front of me and start to worry.

Yesterday I found a book by Brene Brown titled The Gifts of Imperfection. I started reading it last summer, but never finished. I find her writings about topics such as vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame very uplifting. It's time to start re-reading this book.

Today I'm celebrating a win by the Texans. Great game this afternoon.


  1. Julie, your instincts are on target. Having books at hand will become a healthy way to divert your head and heart away from hyper focusing on the harder job ahead. If you don't mind, I will suggest some titles of books I have "dropped out" with after I give it some thought... Always remember, There is a beginning, a middle and an end of this thing we call cancer.

  2. Mary, thanks for much. I welcome any book titles that you can suggest. Thanks also for your comments and support.
