Sunday, September 25, 2016

It's Cancer - A quiet Sunday

Mr. B and I had tons of fun last night at an event for the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. I loved the western theme, music, delicious barbecue and friends.

The McZams have been at the lake all weekend and will be home sometime this evening. Mr. B is working today. The Texans aren't playing. That leaves sweet Rose and me in the house to do as we please.

Today I'm celebrating quiet Sunday afternoons. Rose will nap (she's a dog) and I'll watch movies and read my book (and probably nap some, too). Sounds like a perfect afternoon before a busy week.


  1. Take every moment to soak up and enjoy a day of relaxation! Give my namesake (I am Mary Rose) a scratch and snuggle!

  2. Rose is absolutely the sweetest dog we've ever had. She follows me from room and room, and is always appreciative of scratches and love.
