Wednesday, September 28, 2016

It's Cancer - Half day at MDA

After dropping TLP at his pre-school I went to MDA for blood work and an echocardiogram. I continue to be impressed with the courtesies and respect shown to patients.

First I had the blood work done (five vials). There was little wait time and the nurses were so friendly and positive. Next I went to another building for the echocardiogram. The information desk said to go to the skybridge and a sky cab would take me to the other building. Whenever I looked puzzled about where I was going there was someone there to point me in the right direction. Amazing!

Today I'm celebrating MDA. While I was riding between the building, a woman from Las Vegas, who was at the end of her treatment, started talking to me. She flies here once a month for check-ups. I'm lucky that MDA is in my hometown.


  1. Julie, looking for the good in the institution, the medical staff, and others in their journey with cancer will serve you well. Bravo dear girl!
