Friday, September 23, 2016

It's Cancer - A day off

TLP came to visit me this morning after his breakfast. He put his puzzle on my bed and then told me "up, up." I lifted him onto the bed and played with him and his zoo puzzle for a few minutes before he got bored and climbed off the bed. I even got kisses.

I don't think I'll leave the house today. Instead, I'm going to read the book I just started, watch cooking shows, and forget for one day that I have cancer.

Today I'm celebrating Mr B. Cancer not only traumatizes the "owner" but also the support team. In my case, I see Mr B growing very weary. He is continually asking me what he can do for me or how can he help me. Last night he put his head on my shoulder and said he wished he knew what to do for me. I wish I could help him.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Mr. B to stay near and just be. He will figure things out on the fly... And so,will you!
