Friday, September 30, 2016

It's Cancer - Seven hours at MDA

I had so many consultations today at MDA, beginning with a chest X-Ray, several meetings about the port placement, more blood work, and finally meetings with the oncologists, her PA and research assistants about the chemo and two studies. I'm exhausted and so is Mitzie, who was once again my note taker.

The blood work from earlier this week showed that my thyroid is low. Maybe that's why I've been sluggish lately. The good news is my cholesterol level is good. This is not always the case. My chest X-Ray was also very good, so I have the go ahead for surgery on Tuesday and chemo on Wednesday.

Today I'm celebrating TLP. I picked him up early from pre-school. For about 45 minutes it was just the two of us, playing and chatting. I'm sad that – after Monday – I won't be able to lift or carry him until after my cancer treatments are finished.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

It's Cancer - Simple acts of kindness

As I'm doing, many others have written about their experiences with breast cancer. Online I found and saved a post titled "11 Tips to Get Through Chemo."

Tip #2 advised about hair: "Cut it off before it starts falling out — it's much more empowering that way." So, yesterday I had my hair cut off. I didn't tell anyone. I just did it. My hair is very very (very) short and, even though I'm not crazy about how I look, I was proactive and checked something off my to-do list. I'll get used to my hair. In the meantime I'm sending thanks Romeo for the new short "do." She wouldn't let me pay her. So kind.

Today I'm celebrating acts of kindness. Yesterday, a shop owner heard me telling a friend about my cancer. The shop owner reached in her display case and pulled out a breast cancer charm. She could have sold the charm to someone else, but she gave it to me, with a smile and best wishes. So kind.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

It's Cancer - Half day at MDA

After dropping TLP at his pre-school I went to MDA for blood work and an echocardiogram. I continue to be impressed with the courtesies and respect shown to patients.

First I had the blood work done (five vials). There was little wait time and the nurses were so friendly and positive. Next I went to another building for the echocardiogram. The information desk said to go to the skybridge and a sky cab would take me to the other building. Whenever I looked puzzled about where I was going there was someone there to point me in the right direction. Amazing!

Today I'm celebrating MDA. While I was riding between the building, a woman from Las Vegas, who was at the end of her treatment, started talking to me. She flies here once a month for check-ups. I'm lucky that MDA is in my hometown.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

It's Cancer - Mystery about the sniffles

It's estimated that 80 million people watched the presidential debate last night. And what was the number one comment on social media after the debate? "Why was Donald sniffling so much?" Really?

Just when we were getting used to having Big Daddy Nick in the house, he left early this morning to join up with The Suffers in Pittsburgh. TLP is always disappointed when I drive him to and from his preschool. He would much rather have his dada on car duty. We're figuring out what to do with car duty once the port is implanted in my chest next week and I'm no longer able to lift TLP in and out of his car seat.

Today I'm celebrating clean clothes. As much as I hate doing the laundry, I have such a feeling of accomplishment when it's all done.

Monday, September 26, 2016

It's Cancer - Everyday smiles

Monday is usually the day when I go to the grocery and today is no exception, but this could be a problem in the weeks to come. Once I have the port in my chest (next Tuesday), I'm not supposed to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds. I wonder the weight of a case of La Croix (a.k.a. "Tutu's pink juice" to TLP).

I want to thank people who continue to read my blogs and follow my journey. Today I want to especially thank cancer survivor and neighbor Mary. Every day she sends me tips and words of encouragement. I also want to thank my high school friend and Austin resident Katie who reposts my blogs on a site where other high school friends can read them. These are just two friends who help me smile every day.

Today I'm celebrating political debates. I can't wait for tonight's debate (I'll have to record Dancing With the Stars). The debate should be very entertaining. In preparation for it I'm heading to the liquor store for my current adult beverage-of-choice: Deep Eddy vodka. My favorite flavor is grapefruit. Mixed with Topo-Chico, it's so refreshing.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

It's Cancer - A quiet Sunday

Mr. B and I had tons of fun last night at an event for the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. I loved the western theme, music, delicious barbecue and friends.

The McZams have been at the lake all weekend and will be home sometime this evening. Mr. B is working today. The Texans aren't playing. That leaves sweet Rose and me in the house to do as we please.

Today I'm celebrating quiet Sunday afternoons. Rose will nap (she's a dog) and I'll watch movies and read my book (and probably nap some, too). Sounds like a perfect afternoon before a busy week.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

It's Cancer - Saturday house cleaning

Even with breast cancer, the house must be cleaned and the dust bunnies must be removed. Ugh. Fortunately, the house isn't very big.

One of the many things I like about MDA is the web page that is set up for each patient. Among other things there are appointment reminders. I have four appointments next week, including a port preop consultation and a follow-up with my oncologist on Friday. I didn't realize that putting the port into my chest, which will happen on Tuesday, Oct. 4, will be a surgical procedure that can take up to three hours. Mr. B will have to take his Sudoku book to the hospital.

Today I'm celebrating crafts. Tonight Mr. B and I are going to the "Craft Roundup" at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. Since it's a roundup, I'm going to wear the red cowboy boots that Mr. B gave me several years ago for Valentine's Day. Yippe ki yay!

Friday, September 23, 2016

It's Cancer - A day off

TLP came to visit me this morning after his breakfast. He put his puzzle on my bed and then told me "up, up." I lifted him onto the bed and played with him and his zoo puzzle for a few minutes before he got bored and climbed off the bed. I even got kisses.

I don't think I'll leave the house today. Instead, I'm going to read the book I just started, watch cooking shows, and forget for one day that I have cancer.

Today I'm celebrating Mr B. Cancer not only traumatizes the "owner" but also the support team. In my case, I see Mr B growing very weary. He is continually asking me what he can do for me or how can he help me. Last night he put his head on my shoulder and said he wished he knew what to do for me. I wish I could help him.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

It's Cancer - The plan revealed

When the #1 cancer center in the country is located in my hometown, it would be silly for me to seek treatment at another hospital. My only concern about MDA is that I would be just another "number", but I was treated very well yesterday. I was shown lots of respect and compassion.

My treatment will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 28 with blood work and an echocardiogram. Next, on Friday, Sept. 30, I have an appointment with the oncologist who will oversee my chemo. I think I will get a "port" place in my chest then. (The port is where the chemo will be delivered and will be removed when the treatment is finished.) Chemo will be every other week for four to six months, depending on how my tumor responds. Other parts of the plan include surgery to remove the tumor (one month after chemo is completed) and radiation (a month or so after the surgery). No adult beverages or mani/pedis during chemo. Bummer dudette.

Today I'm celebrating Thursday night football. Go Texans!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

It's Cancer - A day at MD Anderson

I was at MD Anderson at 7 a.m. to begin imaging and consultations this morning. It was an eight-hour day that filled my head with a second opinion and a different treatment plan. Sometimes I only hear "cancer" blah blah, "cancer" blah blah blah during these visits so I'm grateful than Melissa was with me today.

Both Memorial Hermann and MDAnderson are suggesting chemo first. Memorial Hermann says five days-a-week for six weeks. MDA suggests one day-a-week for six months. MDA thinks my body will handle this timeline better and it will give the doctors more time to determine if "cocktail a" is working or if they need to switch to "cocktail b." Both suggest surgery after the chemo followed by radiation. Memorial Hermann says radiation would be five days-a-week for four weeks. MDA suggests radiation every day for 20 days. I like Memorial Hermann because it is more convenient, but the family likes MDA because it is one of the top cancer center in the U.S.

Today I'm celebrating my bestie Melissa. It takes a special friend to stay with me and take notes during an eight-hour hospital visit and doctors' consultations! Love you, Mitzie!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It's Cancer - Radiologist visit

I left the oncology radiation department this morning feeling well informed. After the nurse went over my medical history, I watched a 15 minute film about what to expect with the radiology treatment. This will probably be the easiest part of the entire process. Next I met with the radiologist. She talked to me and then examined me before the oncology nurse manager (or something like that) spent time with me. She provided literature about breast cancer and also told me resources that are available through the hospital (classes, support groups, wigs, etc.).

Tomorrow I start all over again with imaging and doctor visits at MD Anderson. It will begin early in the morning and last all day. I'm looking forward to the end of the examinations so my family and I can discuss where and how to proceed.

Today I'm celebrating Mediterranean food. After almost two hours at the doctor's office I treated myself to a chicken pita from Zoe's. So far, I haven't decided if I'm going to treat myself with a nap or pedicure this afternoon.

Monday, September 19, 2016

It's Cancer - Another day, another doctor

The doctor du jour was an oncologist at Memorial/Hermann. He and his office were very convenient and efficient. If I choose to use him for chemo five days-a-week for six weeks, convenience and efficiency are going to be important considerations.

After the doctor's office I went to the grocery store. The Kroger where I go, which is supposed to be the largest in the country, recently added a Starbucks and a wine bar. I'm not sure I see the need for a wine bar in the grocery store, but I do like the sushi bar where I can get, among other things, freshly prepared dumplings to eat for lunch. Yummy.

Today I'm celebrating a new dresser. Well, technically the dresser is vintage, but it will be much needed new storage in the Pettit abode once it is delivered.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

It's Cancer - Keeping my spirits high

My blood pressure has been high lately, which isn't surprising. When I first wake up, all is well for about a minute or two before I remember the battle in front of me and start to worry.

Yesterday I found a book by Brene Brown titled The Gifts of Imperfection. I started reading it last summer, but never finished. I find her writings about topics such as vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame very uplifting. It's time to start re-reading this book.

Today I'm celebrating a win by the Texans. Great game this afternoon.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

It's Cancer - Thank goodness for the weekend

A quiet phone this Saturday morning is a treat. No calls from doctors' wanting more information or providing instructions. No calls from the insurance company about how many doctors are involved. Just photos sent from TLP's soccer practice. Yea!

Dr. Mc had a great suggestion that I spend this time before treatment spiffing up the master bedroom and bathroom. Shopping for new linens and pillows sounds like a perfect escape. A larger dresser might also be in the works, if Mr. B approves the expenditure.

Today I'm celebrating home cooks. Last night Big Daddy Nick grilled terrific burgers with all the fixin's. We sat around the dining room table and enjoyed every bite. Then he cleaned the kitchen. Kudos to a great son-in-law!

Friday, September 16, 2016

It's Cancer - Round one with doctors

I'm talking to two different groups about my breast cancer. The first are doctors at the Memorial/Hermann Cancer Center: a surgeon, oncologist and radiologist. Next week I'm going to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center to meet with a similar group for a second opinion.

Yesterday I met with a surgeon at Memorial/Hermann who examined me, reviewed my imaging results and discussed options. The complete diagnosis is that I have stage 2 "invasive, high-grade ductal carcinoma." The large tumor is located in my left breast and it doesn't appear to have spread to my lymph nodes. I have two options: (1) lumpectomy or (2) removal of my left breast. If I choose a lumpectomy, I would probably have chemo first to shrink the size of the tumor, then surgery followed by radiation. Chemo would be five days-a-week for six weeks. (Dr. Mc and I are already discussing wig options.) Right now, I don't like the mastectomy option because the lump is large and too close to my heart.

Today I'm celebrating family and friends who have sent love and support. All of your messages have touched and inspired me. Thank you so much!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

It's Cancer

I'm starting a new blog today to journal my treatment for breast cancer. I was diagnosed on Tuesday and have cried tons, but now it's time to move on with a positive attitude.

I've started meeting with multiple doctors to learn more about my cancer and the available options. Just as I did with TLP's premature birth and 85 days in the hospital, I plan to chronicle everything with my breast cancer, so stay tuned.

Today I'm celebrating the incredible doctors and medical facilities that are available in Houston.