Wednesday, November 30, 2016

It's Cancer - A better day

I got numerous encouraging comments from friends after yesterday's blog. The comments all made me smile and feel happy. I actually put on clothes today, which doesn't happen every day, except for the dreaded bra.

I feel the mouth sores coming back. Will they always appear after I have chemo? Fortunately, I have my "swish and swallow" mouth medication. And, fortunately, (sweet) Big Daddy Nick drove to get me mac and cheese for lunch. I needed something soft to chew and swallow.

Today I'm celebrating my new green cap that came in the mail. I'm sure I look absolutely ridiculous wearing a green cap with a big flower on it, a dark pink breast cancer t-shirt (from my sister-in-law), black stretchy pants, and non-matching socks, but who cares. I'm comfortable.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

It's Cancer - Rough afternoon

I have so many people telling me to stay positive that I feel guilty when I can't write about a good day. Today I spent too much time curled in a ball in bed or in the bathroom. And then there is my coughing that hurts my throat and chest. Here's a positive thought: Tomorrow is new day.

Finally, TLP is coming home tonight. He went with his parents last Tuesday to celebrate Thanksgiving in the Texas Valley with the Zamora clan. Since they came back from the Valley they've been house sitting for Dr. Mc's dad and stepmom. I've stayed away from them so as not to pass on my cold.

Today I'm celebrating Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The animated version that Burl Ives narrated is so fun to watch.

Monday, November 28, 2016

It's Cancer - And a nasty cold

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I woke up last Thursday morning coughing and sneezing, but I'm feeling better today. Thank goodness I had nurse Byron with me. He kept me well stocked in La Croix, crackers and Puffs.

I'm wanting to build my strength back, beginning with short walks. I'm out of breath after going to the kitchen and bathroom, and then getting back in bed. I think I'll start by walking the block around my house.

Today I'm celebrating The Englets, our next door neighbors, who shared their delicious Thanksgiving turkey and fixin's with us, as well as The Steitzs who gave us yummy Thanksgiving leftovers. Nurse Byron had plenty of Thanksgiving fixes.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

It's Cancer - Seven hours at MDA

Thanks to Victoria for taking me to MDA this morning. I thought it would be a quick day, but I was wrong. All the waiting rooms were packed and the wait times were long. Amazingly my blood pressure stayed good, even with the frustrations of hurry up and wait. Mr B was with me for most of my chemo and I got home in time to crawl into bed and take the medications that will relax me and keep me sleeping and comfortable throughout the night, or until eight hours expires and it's time to re-dose. I'm also very happy that I got medication for my mouth sores. The warm salt-water gargles just weren't doing the job.

I spent probably an hour talking to a woman who I think is my age. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, and spent two years in treatment at MDA. She celebrated being cancer free until 2014, when more tumors were found. She is again at the end of her treatments, but will remain on medication and have checkups every three months. She was up beat, positive, courageous, brave, beautiful and an inspiration. I felt sorry for her because her friend who drove her to MDA from Bryan, TX never got off her cellphone except to complain about how long they were waiting.

Today I'm celebrating everyone who has called, texted, emailed, come by the house, driven me somewhere, taken me to lunch, sent me flowers or cards or something comfy, etc. You all brighten my days and I'm so thankful. I'll probably not post for the next several days as my body recovers from the latest chemo treatment and screams "WHY?" I find I do best just sleeping as much a possible for the first few days.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

It's Cancer - Vein for blood work

I don't think I've ever seen MDA so empty as it was this morning. I barely filled out the mandatory form before my name was called. After a couple of minutes, the nurse was able to find a vein for my blood work, and I was back in the car on my way home.

This afternoon I finished everything I wanted to do before chemo tomorrow. This mainly involved going to the grocery store (again) to ensure the few items Mr. B cooks are in the pantry and fridge. I have to keep the man fueled so he can take care of me.

Today I'm celebrating a quiet house. Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick and TLP are off to "the valley" for Thanksgiving. Through Sunday, Mr. B and I (plus Rose) will be the only ones in the house.

Monday, November 21, 2016

It's Cancer - I'm back after a couple of days off

There wasn't much happening the last few days so I didn't blog. Instead I chatted with Caren at the house on Friday morning before having lunch with Sandy. Saturday I stayed in the house and watched cooking and baking shows. And Sunday I ventured out, on my own, to the grocery store.

On the health front, my throat is much better although I still have sores on my tongue. I can swallow, but haven't been able to eat much because it is painful. Several friends who read my blogs keep reminding me to stay hydrated. I learned the importance of hydration when Daddy was ill and would continually have UTIs.

Today I'm celebrating Sweetness and Raff who are coming for dinner and a visit tonight.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

It's Cancer - A call to MDA

I'm still having trouble swallowing so I called my doctor's office today. Come to find out, the same type of sores that are on my arms are in my throat. Makes sense since the sores have been spreading to other parts of my body from my arms.

There are already so many strong drugs in my body from the chemo that the doctor doesn't want to add more. I was told to gargle with warm salt water for my throat. The itching is partly related to dry skin. I'm already doing what I can for that, which is applying lotion to me skin.

Today I'm celebrating locally grown. Neighbors Diane and Mike harvested oranges from their yard and put a bag on our porch. I had one with my lunch today. It was little, very juicy and tasty. Thanks to the Easleys!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It's Cancer - Not much to say

Sore throat.

Itchy red spots.

Today I'm celebrating chocolate cake. Thanks Mr. B for the little bit of velvety goodness, even though I'm avoiding sugar, flour and chocolate. The five bites could elevate my mood.💝

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

It's Cancer - A different perspective

I had a call this morning from Tracye, who is an artist, neighbor, friend and former teacher of Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick. After she asked about me, I had to ask Tracye about her sister who lives in Calif. and comes to MDA for her cancer treatments.

Her sister started with lung cancer, which travelled to her stomach. She has undergone multiple rounds of chemo and surgeries for almost three years. She is in constant pain and will be back in Houston in January for radiation. I'm so sorry for Tracye's sister and their family. What strength it takes to continue fighting.

Today I'm celebrating Kathleen. She had a bad stroke several years ago and continues to work on improving her health. Thanks for sharing you experiences with me, Kathleen.

Monday, November 14, 2016

It's Cancer - Why me?

I'm tempted not to write today because I'm in such a depressed mood. Although I was out of the house part of Saturday, the rest of the days since chemo last Wednesday I've been sick. I thought that writing about my journey through breast cancer would be helpful to me, but keeping track of my physical ups and downs is turning out to be more mentally difficult than I thought.

I know that a positive attitude is important to beating cancer. When sadness overcomes me, as it has today, it's just harder to find a happy place to write about.

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B. On days like today, his thoughtfulness, kindnesses and love keep me going. He is my happy place, always.  

Sunday, November 13, 2016

It's Cancer - Red spots on the move

The red spots or blotches that have, so far, been restricted to my arms are spreading. I now have some on my legs, chest and one on my head. I've had the chickenpox. I've had shingles. Hopefully these are just red spots from chemo, but it's time for me to step away from the medical Internet pages and self diagnosis.

After Wednesday at MDA the veins in my hands seem to have disappeared. Did I mention that another side effect of chemo is shrinking veins. Both of my hands have huge bruises covering them from blood being drawn on Wednesday.

Today I'm celebrating next-door-neighbor Tracy. Thanks for the flowers!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

It's Cancer - Following up

I wrote a week or so ago about red spots that were appearing on my arms. I wondered if they were related to my chemo treatment and so, I've verified, they're part of the process. During the course of my treatment, the red spots may also appear on other parts of my body.

Also last week I wrote about body aches. I was hoping that these were related to age, but they are side effects of one of the medications that is supposed to give my immune system a "kick" after chemo. I can tolerate all the side effects because I know that one day I'll be cancer free.

Today I'm celebrating Shane Buechele. This young man shows lots of strength and grit as the UT freshman quarterback. I think I'm in love.

Friday, November 11, 2016

It's Cancer - Not well today

I have good days and not so good days. Last night I was achy and woke up between pain pills with nauseous feelings.

The only pain left this morning was in my right arm, but I have a slight fever and the chills.

Today I'm celebrating sweet Rose because she wants to curl up next to my feet and keep them warm. Good girl.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's Cancer - Great news!

I didn't post yesterday because it was a long day at MDA. It started with Sandy picking me up at 6:30 a.m. (thanks, Sandy!) My first mammo was at 7:30 a.m. Around 8:30 a.m. was the molecular mammo that's an ongoing study at MDA. It's much easier and more informative than a regular mammo. When it's available, you'll thank me for being part of the protocol. Around 10 a.m. was un ultrasound.

I had a break from 11 a.m. while I read my book before having blood drawn at noon. Then it was time for lunch and more book reading. The appointment with my oncologist was at 2 p.m. (to give MDA time to get blood work and imaging results to her). She had a emergency and I waited an hour and a half to see her (more book reading), but the wait was worth it. She delivered the incredible news that my tumor has shrunken after two chemo treatments. On a gray day, this was the best news ever! By the time I left the doctor, had my port accessed and received my chemo treatment, it was 8:30 p.m. before Mr. B and I left MDA (he was with me during chemo).

Today I'm celebrating prescription drugs. Every six hours I take medications for nausea and pain. I also have an on-body injector attached to my left arm. It will start injecting medicine at 11:30 p.m. tonight to help protect against infections. After about 45 minutes all the medicine will be delivered and I (Mr. B) will pull the device off my arm. Before the Neulasta device was in use, most people had to go back to the hospital or doctor's office to get an injection. Progress!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's Cancer - The day before chemo #3

As much as I enjoy people stopping by to see me, I also LOVE receiving cards via snail mail. Yesterday I got a card with a sweet message from Anne with an invitation for lunch during December when she is in town. Can't wait.

Speaking of lunch, I had a wonderful birthday lunch yesterday for Mitzie at State of Grace. We shared appetizers and a salad, all of which were fabulous. At one point I realized that the song playing in the restaurant was by The Suffers. What a special treat. The final treat was one of the cookies everyone receives when leaving. Yummy!

Today I'm celebrating strength. I pray for strength before spending a full day (tomorrow) at MDA. Resting today is my #1 priority today, along with getting all the clothes washed.

Monday, November 7, 2016

It's Cancer - A day off preparation

I have chemo on Wednesday, which means I'm in prep mode today. I'm cooking food and putting it in the freezer for Mr. B. Left on his own, he will make incredibly unhealthy food choices for himself while I eat soup and crackers on Wednesday through Sunday.

I woke up yesterday with some red spots on my arms. I thought about putting Neosporin on the spots, but didn't. If the spots are related to chemo, I want the doctor to see them on Wednesday. I also have a lump in the fold of my left elbow. I don't think this is a tumor because cancer spreads through lymph nodes and there aren't any in this area. So what is it? Another question for the doctor.

Today I'm celebrating Debbie. When her mom passed away four years ago I took cookies to the reception after her memorial service. I had forgotten about the platter, but Debbie brought it back yesterday filled with brownies. More importantly, she stayed for a visit. Thanks for your friendship throughout the years, Bebe (which is her grandmother name).

Sunday, November 6, 2016

It's Cancer - Sunday without a Texans' game

How am I supposed to have my afternoon nap without a Texans' game? And Sunday won't be Sunday without an afternoon

On a more serious note, I said something yesterday that I didn't mean to be taken the way it was. I spoke the logical truth, but I guess the subject was just too emotionally sensitive. This makes me sad because the last thing I want to do is hurt this person. Yet no amount of apologies or rational conversation seemed to affect this person's hurt feelings. I guess time is the only healer in this case.

Today I'm celebrating long-time friend Kim. She is another person from my long ago corporate marketing communication days. She sent me a care package and a note letting me know that her 8 Ball said, "All good ahead for Julie." I like her 8 Ball.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

It's Cancer - Feeling well this Saturday

I'm so thankful for those days when I wake up feeling well, like there is not one cancer cell in my body. Then, again, watching the UT vs. Tech game is wearing me out.

As I ate my leftovers from lunch yesterday I'm still smiling from spending time with girlfriends. As with friendships, quiche and roasted potatoes just get better with time.

Today I'm celebrating the Jaco family from Okla. Katie Lou and family, thanks for thinking of me. I love you all and hope to see you around the holidays. I can't wait to see how sweet Willa is growing and to kiss and cuddle with prince Henry.

Friday, November 4, 2016

It's Cancer - Nagging backache

For about 24 hours now I've had a sore back. I didn't think it was related to my cancer treatment, but knew I should call the doctor's office to see what I could take. Come to find out, the deep tissue ache I'm experiencing is a side effect of one of the medications. For the next six months, I guess I should just assume that every ache and pain I have is related to chemo. I'm lucky that I'm not experiencing some of the more severe side effects.

I had lunch today with friends Chris, Sharon and Victoria. We ate at Shade where, I'm happy to report, the new chef is doing a good job with new and old recipes. It was fun to catch up with the ladies while having a tasty lunch. I feel so comfortable with these women that I took off my cap and showed them the peach fuzz on my head.

Today I'm celebrating Martha, Mary, Marsha, Jade and Seth, who live outside of Dallas. I got a care package from them yesterday that included hand-knitted socks, a necklace created especially for me, a sweet book, and a wonderful card with well wishes from all of them. I'm sending love and thanks back to them.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

It's Cancer - It takes a village

Big Daddy Nick is "on the road again" with The Suffers. When he is in town, he has morning duties of getting TLP up, fed, dressed and off to pre-school. When he is traveling, the rest of the village shares morning duties. Dr. Mc gets TLP up and downstairs in his high chair. I get him fed and dressed. And Mr. B drives him to school. We all miss Dada when he is gone.

The whole house empties around 7:45 a.m. so sweet Rose and I climb back in bed to watch the morning shows and wait for my nausea to disappear. The news was refreshing today with recaps of the world series and Country Music Awards, instead of the latest campaign spins. I loved seeing the replays of the Cubs' last out and the first baseman shoving the winning ball in his back pocket. That's a prized (and valuable) souvenir. As for the CMA recap, Beyonce singing a country version of her hit song "Daddy Lessons" with the Dixie Chicks was awesome, as was the group of ladies led by Reba McEntire singing Dolly Parton's songs to the legend. So nice to see positive stories and get away from the campaigns, if only for a few minutes. Maybe that is why my nausea is mild this morning, but in reality I must give credit to my drugs "kicking in."

Today I'm celebrating down-the-street neighbor, Mary. Yesterday she left me a sweet note with a goodie bag of lotions and potions. Mary is a cancer survivor and has been incredibly supportive of my journey. Thanks to her, I'm going to treat myself to lavender body wash and lotion this morning. Mary, you make my days better!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

It's Cancer - Catching up with friends

Yesterday I drove myself to vote. There were only about five to seven people in front of me in the line. When I showed my driver's license for identification, the man looked at my picture and me several times. I told him I was willing to remove my cap, but warned him that my hair wasn't the same as in the photo. A woman next to him finally smiled and told me that wouldn't be necessary.

You know how you have friends who you keep in touch with via emails and Facebook? Then, when you finally get together, after a few minutes of talking about what's currently going on in your lives and sharing photos the conversation turns to happy memories and lots of laughter. I had a wonderful lunch today with two such friends.

Today I'm celebrating Susan and Wayne. I met Wayne when we were in college and Susan was my writing buddy when we both worked for corporate American. Wayne was a partner in a graphic design firm that worked with us. It was so good to see the two of them. Let's not wait so long between visits!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It's Cancer - Shopping is always good for the soul

Today Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick are celebrating their 8th wedding anniversary. Of course I remember their wedding and how much fun we had the night before at their rehearsal dinner and costume party on Halloween 2008. It's hard to believe it was eight years ago.

Speaking of Halloween, Mr. B and I had a grand time last night handing out candy and other goodies. Just as we were about to run out of treats, neighbors Sandra and Charlie came across the street with their candy and a bottle of wine. The three of them seemed to enjoy themselves more and more, especially when they pulled the cork on the second bottle of wine.

Today I'm celebrating a girls' outing. Thanks KS for some retail therapy and lunch.