Saturday, January 16, 2016

WOW. I didn't realize that I haven't posted since Monday. I went the doctor on Monday and found out I had bronchitis. After five days on medication and bed rest I'm feeling so much better. Dr. Mc and TLP also went to the doctor.  She has a ear infection and he has a cold. Everyone is now on the mend.

Last  night Mr. B and I went to an art opening and then to dinner. We tried three different places. Each had an hour wait and no place to sit at the bar, so we went back to our standby. Mr. B can always eat a plate of short ribs over risotto at La Griglia.

Today I'm celebrating John Robert's first birthday. He is the son of my Goddaughter. There were so many kids at the party, which had a Game of Thrones theme. Although I have never seen the program, I was able to find a great costume for TLP at Big Blue Whale, a toy store in my neighborhood. He was adorable, even after he took off his headpiece.

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