Friday, January 8, 2016

Elvis' birthday

Photo from Elvis' FB page.
When we were in Sonoma and Napa last summer, we purchased several cases of wine. I've been putting off drinking any of them because I wanted to serve them on a special occasion. Mr. B convinced me that I should threat myself, and so I opened a bottle tonight. Delicious!

We've all been passing around a cold, over and over again. Yesterday I woke up with a terrible sinus infection. My sinuses are better today although I think I have another cold. I thought catching colds would only happen when TLP went to pre-school. I guess I was wrong. I think the five of us (Mr. B, Dr. Mc, Big Daddy Nick, TLP and I) need to be separated for about a week so we can get rid of the colds. I'd like my sabbatical to take place in Santa Fe.

Today I'm celebrating what would have been The King's birthday. I can't image Elvis as a crusty 81 year-old man. Perhaps he would have done pelvic thrusts while holding onto his walker. Not a good image.

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