Saturday, January 23, 2016

Brrrrrr, it's cold outside. I also like to keep it cold inside, much to the dismay of Mr. B. He sits in the house wearing a blanket while I'm in a short sleeve shirt under the ceiling fan. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my temperature gauge is out-of-whack.

Last night we watched the latest Mission Impossible movie. Although the movie was probably better on the big screen, I rented it from Red Box. It was pretty good for a Tom Cruise flick. I did think it was a little long (just over two hours). The mandatory car and motorcycle chases could have been shorter. There were some humorous moments in the movie when it seemed to poke fun of its aging star.

Today I'm celebrating iPic. Mr. B and I are having a new movie experience at the movie theater that has food, adult beverages and lounge (reclined) seating. If I could go in my pajamas and have a blanket the experience would be perfect.

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