Thursday, March 31, 2016

Squares for pink baby quilt #1.
There's no time for the weary, whatever that means. A better expression might be there's limited time for a busy artisan. What am I talking about?

On Tuesday I finished a quilt to donate to an upcoming auction. Yesterday and today, when I wasn't looking after TLP, I cut out and pieced together a pink baby quilt. This one will be #1 or two to make. Tomorrow will be another busy day looking after TLP, so I probably won't be able to sew the top pieces together until Saturday. This is the "before." Stay tuned for the "after."

Today I'm celebrating preschools. TLP went to preschool from 2-5 p.m. today. He is used to two short naps a day. We've been trying to get him to one longer nap a day, but it hasn't worked so far. At preschool today he crawled in a teachers lap and went to sleep. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

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