Saturday, March 26, 2016

He thinks Easter eggs are balls.
TLP, Dr. Mc and friends went outside of Houston to a ranch yesterday. There were tons of kids and kid stuff, plus Easter eggs everywhere. When you are blonde with fair skin, a hat, long sleeves, pants (instead of shorts), and tons of sunscreen are a requirement. Dr. Mc did everything correct for TLP, but forgot that she should do the same for herself. Therefore, one came home happy and the other one came home sunburned. Hmmm.

I made a promise to our neighborhood association to donate a t-shirt quilt to an upcoming fundraiser. The top is complete. Today I need to clear a spot in the house where I can spread the top and pin the batting and back to it. The quilt top is approximately 5'x7', which is larger than any hard surface (other than the floor) in the house. This may require that I empty the dining room table and place a folding table next to it. Great. More stuff in the house.

Today I'm celebrating multitasking. Other than finishing the quilt, I need to decorate TLP's Easter basket and make something to take to an Easter dinner tomorrow. Sounds like fun.

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