Friday, March 11, 2016

Part of a chenille quilt that was just too special
to cut. Instead I used a piece (18"x18") for a pillow.
Once again the weathermen have overstated the rain that was supposed to happen today. This morning there were a few scattered showers, but we still haven't had the 10" of rain that is forecasted.

It's not that I don't like taking care of TLP, but I'm glad that next week is Spring Break and Dr. Mc will be off work. I'm behind schedule in what I want to have available to show the shop owner on Monday. I'm hoping that while TLP is napping this afternoon I'll be able to cut out and piece together a couple of little girl pillows. Then on the weekend I'll be able to piece two little boy quilts together.

Today I'm celebrating TLP's dada and The Suffers. It was way too late for TLP to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, so we've watched it over and over again this morning. He'll stand in front of the television and dance. Every time he sees Big Daddy Nick on the screen, TLP points at him and says "dada." Forget about everyone else in the band. For TLP it's all about his dada.

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