Thursday, March 31, 2016

Squares for pink baby quilt #1.
There's no time for the weary, whatever that means. A better expression might be there's limited time for a busy artisan. What am I talking about?

On Tuesday I finished a quilt to donate to an upcoming auction. Yesterday and today, when I wasn't looking after TLP, I cut out and pieced together a pink baby quilt. This one will be #1 or two to make. Tomorrow will be another busy day looking after TLP, so I probably won't be able to sew the top pieces together until Saturday. This is the "before." Stay tuned for the "after."

Today I'm celebrating preschools. TLP went to preschool from 2-5 p.m. today. He is used to two short naps a day. We've been trying to get him to one longer nap a day, but it hasn't worked so far. At preschool today he crawled in a teachers lap and went to sleep. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The t-shirt quilt with the corner folded up to
show the fabric on the backside. 
I didn't think it was possible for my house to get any messier, especially after I spent time on Saturday and Sunday decluttering. Sure enough, Dr. Mc and Mr. B decided to take on the cabinets in Auley's room, and the house is once again a disaster.

There are built-in cabinets and drawers on two walls of the room, which used to be Mr. B's study. I doubt Mr. B has gone through the drawers in years. It has been even longer since he went through the cabinets. Now there are boxes marked keep and toss lining the walls. What a mess.

Today I'm celebrating jelly beans. I went to the grocery store earlier this afternoon and had to buy some leftover Easter jelly beans. Like former President Ronald Reagan, I love the little sugary beans!

Monday, March 28, 2016

One panel of the t-shirt quilt. 
I'm so excited that I finished the quilt I am donating to a neighborhood fundraising event. This is good news for two reasons. First, a friend and I decided to take off tomorrow for the antique shows at Round Top. Second reason is that I need to make two pink baby quilts.

Before I go to bed tonight I have to figure out what to wear to Round Top with the fancy running shoes I got for Christmas. And I have to remember to put on my FitBit tomorrow before I leave town.

Today I'm celebrating a cranky baby getting more teeth. Dr. Mc could feel both his upper molars and one on the bottom. TLP must be so miserable.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

He thinks Easter eggs are balls.
TLP, Dr. Mc and friends went outside of Houston to a ranch yesterday. There were tons of kids and kid stuff, plus Easter eggs everywhere. When you are blonde with fair skin, a hat, long sleeves, pants (instead of shorts), and tons of sunscreen are a requirement. Dr. Mc did everything correct for TLP, but forgot that she should do the same for herself. Therefore, one came home happy and the other one came home sunburned. Hmmm.

I made a promise to our neighborhood association to donate a t-shirt quilt to an upcoming fundraiser. The top is complete. Today I need to clear a spot in the house where I can spread the top and pin the batting and back to it. The quilt top is approximately 5'x7', which is larger than any hard surface (other than the floor) in the house. This may require that I empty the dining room table and place a folding table next to it. Great. More stuff in the house.

Today I'm celebrating multitasking. Other than finishing the quilt, I need to decorate TLP's Easter basket and make something to take to an Easter dinner tomorrow. Sounds like fun.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursdays are great. I enjoy watching Project Runway Allstars, and Thursdays are the night. The pack of designers is getting smaller, so the really good designs are being shown.

I met with the shop owner at a children's store today. The good news is that she loved what I showed her. The bad news is that she didn't place an order. The good news is that she is thinking about the flannel blankets I make, and she'll get back to me next week. More good news is that she gave me three leads.

Today I'm celebrating one of the best days ever in Houston! This morning it was raining, but by later today it was clear, sunny and cool. My roses are loving the cool, sunny weather, as is shown in the pic-of-the-day. The little bouquet of flowers I cut is so fragrant!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Celebrating the rodeo.
Listening to TLP right now is remarkable. He is putting sounds and words together, and I never what he'll say. It's amazing.

Some of his favorite words are mama and dada, of course. He also says: apple, banana, bottle, flower, star, moon, car, tractor, more, light, Rose (the dog), snack, and bye bye. Last weekend he even put a sentence together: "Go bye bye car."

Today I'm celebrating friends. I'm having lunch with a high school friend. We both live in Houston, but usually see each other only once a year at our girls' luncheon.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

We celebrated Mr. B's birthday last night with dinner at La Griglia. As always, the food was terrific. Then we came home for a glass of bubbly plus homemade brownies and ice cream.

Before we went to dinner, I finished making two baby blankets. I'm ready for Plan B to take place tomorrow. I'm going back to the shop in the Heights to hopefully meet with the shop owner this time instead of a manager.

Today I'm celebrating Springtime. It's the first day of Spring and my yard knows it. There are lots of blooms, including the irises in the picture.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

TLP took a dive off the couch the other night and now has a big red scab on his little button nose. This reminds me so much of his mama who used to have an accident or childhood illness just before Easter. She would look beautiful in her little dress, holding an adorable Easter basket I decorated, but the photo opps were always minimal and she is at a distance.

Last night I got a burst of energy and made eight burp cloths. Of course they are adorable! And of course the kitchen, dining room and my craft room are now a mess. How can people sew or do any crafts without making a mess?

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B's birthday. He's having a milestone birthday. Although I won't say his actual age, the two numbers involved are 6 & 0. Happy. happy birthday young man!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Last weekend, after The Suffers played at the Dynamos game, TLP's parents bought him a tiny soccer ball. Since then he has carried it around saying something similar to "ball." He wants to throw it. Bounce it. Chase it. And the list goes on.

Yesterday Dr. Mc and Sweetness took TLP and his ball to the park. Pictured with his pint-sized ball, TLP looks like a future all-star soccer player. Go team!

Today I'm celebrating second chances and Plan B. My meeting yesterday at the children's store didn't goes as anticipated. I wasn't able to meet with the shop owner, but instead met with one of the managers. Although I offered to leave my items for the shop owner to see and touch, the manager took photos and insisted that would be good. I do have a plan to go back to the store and meet with the owner. Note to self: You know better than to meet with anyone who isn't a decision maker.

Monday, March 14, 2016

I think all the pictures of families on vacation during Spring Break are fun. Unfortunately, instead of enjoying the snow or the water, I'm in Houston washing clothes. If Pettita Casita wasn't rented, I could have gone there with Dr. Mc and TLP for the week. <insert sigh here>

My appointment with the shop owner is today at 3 p.m. PLEASE send good thoughts my way for a successful meeting. I'm such a girl that I'm worrying about what to wear, which should be of no concern.

Today I'm celebrating spring weather. It will be close to 90 degrees in Houston. Although it may seem warm now, when it is 100+ degrees in a couple of months I'll want it to be 90 degrees again.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Yesterday I purchased some chenille fabric pieces in anticipation of making more baby quilts, pillows, blankets, etc. I'm keeping a positive attitude that the shop owner I'm meeting tomorrow will want to sell my items. My fingers are crossed.

Do not adjust the color on your screen. The little pillow I'm posting today is actually yellow and so is the background of the doily insert. Both Dr. Mc and Mr. B commented on how sweet this little oblong pillow is, so I decided to share it on my blog.

Today I'm creating more daylight. I've napped most of today because I "lost" an hour this morning. I've napped so much I haven't even finished reading the Sunday paper. I can waste enough my time by myself and don't need the government's help.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

I'm posting such a sweet little pillow today. I incorporated an adorable little embroidered piece on the front. At the top of the doily in very pale pink "B" for baby (or at least that's my story).

When Dr. Mc saw I had cut up a doily for the pillow she was upset. She thought it was something that my grandmother or mother made and I cut it. She was OK when I told her it was a piece I found in a neighborhood store and not something from the family treasures. I'm super happy that she cherishes the family heirlooms as much as I do.

Today I'm celebrating art. In about two hours, Mr. B and I are going to an art walk and we're taking TLP with us. We're going to put him in his stroller while we're in the warehouse. He should be entertained by all the people and the art.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Part of a chenille quilt that was just too special
to cut. Instead I used a piece (18"x18") for a pillow.
Once again the weathermen have overstated the rain that was supposed to happen today. This morning there were a few scattered showers, but we still haven't had the 10" of rain that is forecasted.

It's not that I don't like taking care of TLP, but I'm glad that next week is Spring Break and Dr. Mc will be off work. I'm behind schedule in what I want to have available to show the shop owner on Monday. I'm hoping that while TLP is napping this afternoon I'll be able to cut out and piece together a couple of little girl pillows. Then on the weekend I'll be able to piece two little boy quilts together.

Today I'm celebrating TLP's dada and The Suffers. It was way too late for TLP to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, so we've watched it over and over again this morning. He'll stand in front of the television and dance. Every time he sees Big Daddy Nick on the screen, TLP points at him and says "dada." Forget about everyone else in the band. For TLP it's all about his dada.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I'm having fun working on baby pillows. I've made three boy pillows and now I need to make three girl pillows. So many chenille pieces. So little time before my appointment on Monday with a shop owner who may sell my creations.

Also, I need to piece together a baby boy quilt or two before Monday. My Thursdays and Fridays are always limited because I'm playing with TLP both days. There are just too many sharp items for him in the craft room so it is off limits to him.

Today I'm celebrating the little things in life. This afternoon I took TLP for a walk to the kid's hair salon. It's about three blocks from the house so we walked over. Getting a haircut has never bothered him before, but today he let out a couple of short cries. He was so cute that he got a sucker from the salon owner. Then I took him next door to a diner where we got a root beer float to share. A haircut. A sucker. A root beer float. A ride in his new stroller. Life is sweet for TLP! And fun for me.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Chenille baby pillow. Cuter than photograph.
Next Monday I'm meeting with a shop owner to talk about selling the baby items I'm making. If she likes what I make, she'll take my creations on consignment to sell. I can do this!

I have many flannel blankets and burp clothes made, but have only two chenille quilts. One various shades of peach and yellow. One purple and white. I'd love to make two baby boy quilts and one with multiple shades of chenille that are non-gender specific. I can do this.

Today I'm celebrating creativity. Along with baby blankets and quilts, I've been sketching baby pillows made of chenille and vintage embroidery pieces. I want to make a couple of these to show the shop owner. I can see the pillows sitting in a rocking chair in nurseries. Do it!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Smelling the "flors."
It was Monday all day, but this time it was, for the most part, a great day. Unlike most days, and especially Mondays, I was up and dressed early and on the move. I got so much accomplished and was really proud of myself.

Unfortunately, after dinner I had another epileptic seizure and a momentary loss of awareness. The good news is that tonight's seizure lasted less than a minute and I wasn't confused after the fact. The seizure was totally my fault because I have been out of my medication since Saturday. Lesson learned. Not taking my seizure medication for even three days is a problem. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and will have to "come clean" on what happened tonight. Enough said on that subject. Let's get back to the positive aspects of my days.

Today I'm celebrating babies. I just LOVE babies and several young friends are having them. A longtime family friend had a baby girl a couple of weeks ago. I sent her a baby blanket that I made. Another longtime family friend, who lives in Maryland, had a baby boy. She was an attendant in Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick's wedding and they both had roles in her wedding. I'm mailing her a baby quilt I made from vintage chenille squares. Another young woman is having a baby girl in the next couple of weeks and I'm sending her an adorable baby quilt made from vintage pink chenille squares. I remember when this beautiful soon-to-be-mom was born.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

I'm planning trips for 2016. In mid-April, we're going to see The Suffers in Driftwood, which is southwest of Austin. In July, I may go to the International Folk Art Festival in Santa Fe. In October, I hope to go to Byron's nephew's wedding, which will be in northern California.

In the middle of all that, The Suffers are playing in Paris, France in early June. Mr. B has said no to that trip, but a friend has said she is "game" to the trip. It's on my bucket list to attend a cooking school in the French countryside, and go to the Paris flea markets. I so want to mark those off my list of things to do.

Today I'm celebrating family. I was excited that the girls and their hubbies plus Mr. B, me and TLP were all available to dinner tonight. After dinner and at least two margaritas and/or beers each, we went outside of Teotihuachan for the annual Christmas photo (which was delayed to March for some reason). Thank goodness Big Daddy Nick and his long arms were available for the photo.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I heard today from a young man I worked with at my last job. Good to hear from him. He is a funny guy and I miss joking around with him.

Right now we are having a new fence built in the backyard. I'm glad to see this happening because we have way too many cars in front of the house. Moving the fence will allow us to park cars in back of the garage. Heaven forbid we should have enough room inside the garage to park a car or two. How did Daddy do it? His garage was always so neat and tidy.

Today I'm celebrating the Texas primary. I hear the polls have been very crowded.