Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Chenille pillow.
I took Aulay to pre-school this morning, which meant getting up early to feed him breakfast, dress him, and drive across town. Since I was up and dressed, I ran several errands. It's amazing how there aren't many people in the grocery store or Target at 9:30 a.m. And the car wash was empty.

While I was out I noticed funny colored cars. There was a bronze-colored Jeep at the car wash. Bronze is good for somethings, but not cars. I also saw KIAs that were mustard and pea green. These are nice fall colors, but not for cars. After I write these comments, I wish to apologize to anyone who has a car in the colors I mentioned.

Today I'm celebrating productivity. There are only two days left before I set up for the Vintage Flea Market that takes place this Saturday and Sunday. It's amazing what I can accomplish as the deadline gets closer and closer.

Monday, May 30, 2016

I can already tell that this Monday holiday is going to mess up my week. Mr. B being home on Monday just isn't normal. He has certainly enjoyed his Memorial Day by watching war movies, which is his favorite passtime.

I have spent my Monday putting the finishing touches on several projects for the Vintique Flea that is this coming weekend. I have six new chenille pillows to fill.

Today I'm celebrating the men and women who serve or have served in any of the military branches. We're being as all-American as possible by grilling hamburgers tonight. God bless America.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

I'm looking out the front windows of the house at a beautiful, sunny afternoon. It looks like a cool, fall afternoon, but I know reality is quite different.

Last night Mr. B and I had date night. First we went to Goode Company Seafood so I could have a shrimp fix. Since he did that for me, I went to the movie with him to see Captain America: Civil War. Half way through the movie I leaned over to him and whispered in his ear that he owes me BIG time. Mr. B grew up reading Marvel comics so he knows all the characters and plots. I, on the other hand, sat through a long action movie trying to figure out who does what and why. The movie is getting terrific reviews, so don't pay attention to my comments if you like the series.

Today I'm celebrating friends who are moving to Pittsburgh, PA. We had brunch and then shopped in an antique store for art deco items for their 1930s home in Pittsburgh. Safe travels and happy life to the Palmers!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The son of our neighbor just finished his first year of college and came home for the summer. In anticipation, his mom cleaned out toys that belonged to her son and brought them over for TLP. There were two bins filled with mainly cars and trucks, or "carucks" as TLP says. My neighbor said she cried as she went through all the toys.

When TLP came home from pre-school yesterday, he went through the bins and said "ohhhh" with each toy he pulled out. He was so excited and it was adorable! His excitement continued this morning and he has played with all the carucks.

Today I'm celebrating the circle of life. Mason's discarded toys, toy fireman's hat, and little league baseball glove are finding new life in Aulay World. And Aulay couldn't be happier with his new treasures.

Friday, May 27, 2016

I just love Dr. Seuss.
The sky is so dark outside you'd think it was 4 a.m. instead of 4 p.m. More rain on its way this afternoon and Mr B wants to go to the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft tonight. I would say "no way, Jose" except he has promised me Goode Company Seafood after the opening at HCCC.

I've been sewing today with little luck. Today is one of those frustrating days when I keep having to rip out seams and re-do. I really hate it when that happens.

Today I'm celebrating rain. I might as well celebrate the rain because it's not going anywhere. Slow moving rain is the worst.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The relaxing pool area and one of the many
gardens at Rienzi. 
I had as much fun last night as a Wednesday will allow. Mr. B and I went with friends to check out Rienzi, which is part of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The entire house wasn't open, but what we did see was filled with exquisite European furniture and fixtures. Probably my favorite area of Rienzi was the pool and surrounding gardens, although the china room was also lovely.

Before going to Rienzi we met at America's for a cocktail and then we went to dinner at LaGriglia. By the time we got home, I was feeling all the beverages.

Today I'm celebrating another trip to the fabric store. I have eight little purses cut out, but nothing for the handles. Since I had the car washed yesterday, it will probably rain this afternoon while I'm out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

It has felt like Wednesday all day, but it's only Tuesday. I'm not sure what either day "feels" like so that's a ridiculous statement to make.

Last night I made a delicious dinner (if I do say so myself). I had all the fixin's for burrito bowls. Mission Burrito and Chipolte have nothing on my culinary skills. TLP kept saying "taco" when he wanted more. Come to find out  he calls all sandwiches "tacos." What a silly boy.

Today I'm celebrating the tote bags I'm making. The exterior of the pic-of-the-day is vintage upholstery fabric that looks like it is hand painted. I think I'll make two or three more totes and then move on.

Monday, May 23, 2016

I started making tote bags yesterday and then I couldn't turn off my brain. I went to bed around 11 p.m., but got up at 3 a.m. Since I wasn't sleeping and could only think about the bags I went back to my cutting table and sewing machine. I think it was close to 6 a.m. before I went back to bed.

This behavior reminds me of my mother, who was a terrific seamstress. When my brother went off to college and Daddy was traveling, Mother would sometimes sew all night. It was wonderful to wake up in the morning to new clothes. She was also a fast seamstress, which I am not.

Today I'm celebrating period movies. I'm looking forward to seeing Jane Austen's Love and Friendship, although I hope the movies improves on the original ending.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday. I did some organizing of my craft supplies. I also put everything I'm not taking to the upcoming market in a big box. I thought it would fit in a a closet in the craft room (i.e., the studio), but the box is too tall to fit under the shelf. At least I have all of the non-vintage and non-antiques pieces in one place.

After the maintenance work, I made two terrific totes. The pic-of-the-day shows one of them. I love the colorful mid-century fabric. The size is also good.

Today I'm celebrating eye-hand coordination. TLP was stacking blocks this afternoon. I continue to beam with pride as he masters skills that most of us take for granted.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

On Saturday morning, TLP gets a treat of donuts. He probably ate his weight in them. Next up was his haircut. He gets one every five weeks, which is the same as Mr. B. I can't believe how much hair was cut today. This is supposed to be his "summer cut" but I have no doubt he'll be in the chair in another five weeks.

After his haircut Mr. B and I took TLP to a local diner where he ate more. People ask us how he is doing and his healthy appetite is always mentioned.

Today I'm celebrating Saturday. I feel a nap coming on, but I must get in my studio and make something today. MUST.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Not TLP but his mommy. I wonder who he favors?
Last night I went to sleep at a decent time, but Mr. B came in and woke me up. Not once. Twice. Subsequently it was 4 a.m. before I got back to sleep. It annoys me to listen to the serenade of snoring between Mr. B and Rose when they are sleeping and I'm not.

I tried to sleep late this morning, but that didn't work. Mr. B woke me up when he was leaving for work and I didn't go back to sleep. Instead I got dressed and ran errands most of the day while it was raining. The thunder and lightening all afternoon was very frightening.

Today I'm celebrating a fall dinner, even though it's spring. I had to go to two stores to get all the bone-in short ribs to cook for dinner. Unfortunately, the smell of the food was better than the taste. Lots of short ribs with little flavor. Bummer.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Not only did I clean out the refrigerator yesterday and do the dishes, but today I washed and folded clothes. You know something is off with my psyche when I will do housework rather than spend time in my studio. I think I've hit a wall with crafty. Let's hope it's only temporary.

I don't know why I've lost my creative juices, but nothing is flowing out of my head. I need to get ahold of myself and push forward. Tomorrow I'm going to start my day by looking at samples I've collected. This usually inspires me.

Today I'm celebrating the last episode of Survivor. I hate that my reality shows are ending at the same time (DWTS ends next Monday; Project Runway last week).

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Riding shirtless in his muscle car last weekend.
There are two household chores that I really dislike: unloading the dishwasher and folding clothes out of the dryer. I'm trying to convince myself that if I do both tasks I'll feel better because of my accomplishments, but its not working.

I'm also trying to determine what to make next for the vintage/antique market that I'm involved with the first weekend of June. My first inclination is to make totes. I love them, but they haven't sold well the past couple of markets. My next thought is to make some fabric dolls, but I haven't made them before and don't know how they will do at the market, either. What to do. What to do.

Today I'm celebrating pros and cons. I'm giving myself until the end of today to determine which fork in the road I should take (what to make for the market).

Saturday, May 14, 2016

We went to a special event last night at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft: Empty Bowls. Hundreds of local artist create all sizes of bowls and they are sold to benefit the Houston Food Bank. We came home with many new bowls in all shapes and sizes.

Next we went to dinner, where the pic-of-the-day was taken about five minutes before he threw up all over himself. This morning TLP, Big Daddy Nick and I are all under the weather. I don't really fell bad, but I have no voice. I attribute my problem to faulty sinuses, which is the downside of living in Houston in the springtime.

Today I'm celebrating a quiet Saturday.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The area I live in, referred to as the Houston Heights, was once an incorporated city four miles outside of the City of Houston. Houston Heights was voted “dry” on September 15, 1912. In a 1937, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that the Houston Heights would remain dry despite the end of prohibition and the 1918 annexation by the City of Houston, which was a “wet” area. Today, the City of Houston continues to enforce the dry area based on this court ruling. 

The only way to repeal this prohibition is by vote of the residents within the boundaries of the original Houston Heights. Although this seems like an overwhelming (and should I say unnecessary) task, a group of people are bringing it up again and trying to open a liquor in the dry area.

Today I'm celebrating my ability to buy wine, beer and alcohol within a mile in any direction from my house, and have a cocktail at almost all of the restaurants in the area. In a city without zoning, I'd hate to have a liquor store at the end of my block, and that would certainly be an option if the 1912 prohibition is repealed. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

More tin earrings.
The car is covered in yellow stuff. I'm pretty sure this is the same yellow stuff that has given me a headache the past two days and has my nose stopped up.

This morning I forced myself to get up, get dressed and go to the grocery store. I did forget to check the chalkboard for a list of items to get. Sure enough, I didn't get trash bags or sandwich bags.

Today I'm celebrating white roses. They are my favorite flowers and Mr. B gave me some for Mother's Day. Most are still pretty so I cut off the stems and put the roses in a smaller vase. Lookin' good.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Ladies celebrating motherhood.
We just returned home from a wonderful Mother's Day brunch. There's nothing better than good 'ole Tex-Mex and mimosas for Sunday brunch.

We had a big group for brunch, which seemed to be the norm. There weren't many tables for two or four in the restaurant. The majority of the tables were for 10-12. We had 13 people, counting TLP.

Today I'm celebrating Mother's Day. And now it's time to find something mindless to watch on television so I can take a nap, which is my favorite Sunday afternoon ritual.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Today I had lunch with longtime friend, Kim. Years ago, when I worked in corporate communications, Kim was the account executive for our advertising agency of record. A great deal of our conversation today surrounded grandsons. I'm excited for Kim because next week, she will be a grandmother for the second time (another boy).

Kim helped Dr. M after she received her Ph.D. and started interviewing for jobs. Interviewing skills and a great resume are really helpful for a young job applicant. Since Kim had spent time teaching executives how to present proposals and themselves, she was a great help to Dr. Mc.

Today I'm celebrating friendships. It was in the early 1990s when Kim and I met, and we have remained in touch since then. It might be a year or more before we get together, but we always pick up where we left off.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

I worked on earrings today and am happy with what I accomplished. I forget how dirty my hands get while working with the old tins. And while cutting out the shapes the tin chards get stuck in my fingers. When this happens, it's as if I have splinters. Hum, maybe I should check into gloves.

I'm going through TLP withdrawal. I haven't seen him since Monday night and I won't see him again tonight. He is going to get so many kisses from me when I see him tomorrow.

Today I'm celebrating the 30th birthday of my newest son-in-law, Raffert Chao Deeds. How fun to have a birthday on Cinco de Mayo when everyone in town is celebrating.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I've noticed that my hands are beginning to shake. If I want to accomplish anything, such as making jewelry or threading needles, it's best to tackle it in the morning. It's also good to have lots of light and a powerful magnifying glass nearby.

Mr. B is finished with his OTC duties for the year. He came home this afternoon exhausted. As expected with the downturn in the oil and gas industry the turnout at the convention was down. The evening required multiple margaritas to help ease his pain from standing up all day. And it was very polite of me to join him for a refreshing beverage.

Today I'm celebrating jewelry making. I haven't made any tin jewelry in awhile. I went through all of my supplies and quickly remembered why I like using the tin to create unconventional and fun jewelry.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Leaving for school, he looks
It's almost 10 p.m. and I'm watching Food Network. This is never good because I see the food and want to start eating. Eating at 10 p.m. is never a good idea.

TLP was supposed to start pre-school today, but his paperwork wasn't completed so he'll start tomorrow. I know pre-school will be beneficial for him, but what about me? It has been my norm to take care of him during the day. I'm not completely off the hook, though. Once Big Daddy Nick goes back on the road in June, so I'll have to take TLP to school every morning and pick him up on Mondays and Fridays.

Today I'm celebrating nothing, which is exactly what I did today. I was supposed to start making tin jewelry today, but tomorrow is another day.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The fabric on this pillow is from Guatemala
and the texture is delicious.
It has been a quiet Sunday, which is exactly what I wanted, considering a week ago when the car was hit (and totaled) in front of the house. I've been waiting for the rain to start as has been predicted. It was supposed to rain every day since Wednesday, but so far there hasn't been any at our house.

I've been working on pillows most of the day. My goal is to get two more made by the end of the day. I want to start on jewelry tomorrow as per my crafting plan.

Today I'm celebrating dinner by myself. Mr. B has a business dinner tonight. In fact, I think he has dinners from today through Wednesday because OTC is in town. Hum. Can I eat Chinese food four days in a row? Stay tuned.