Saturday, October 31, 2015

Oh what a night!

Calvin and Hobbes (a.k.a. Amanda the Panda).
The rain from the Texas Hill Country made it to Houston last night. It rained all night and parts of the city are flooding as the rain keeps falling. Fortunately we live in an area of the city that (usually) doesn't flood.

This morning around 6 a.m. we were awakened by flashing lights. A house undergoing renovations in the middle of the block caught fire. It looks like the exterior of the house is still in place, but the interior, including the two-story addition in the back, are toast. With the rain coming down and holes in the roof, I fear the couple and their three small children will be starting over. Thankfully no one was living in the house and no one was injured.

Today I'm celebrating Halloween. The city is a soggy mess so I doubt we will have any trick or treaters tonight. It's sad for the little kids.

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