Monday, October 19, 2015

Equal Rights

It was just on the news that Planned Parenthood will no longer receive state medicaid funds in Texas. This is so unfortunate and the result of some people misrepresenting Planned Parenthood services as mainly abortions. While abortions are part of the services provided, Planned Parenthood offers so many other health services, as well as education and advocacy, to all individuals.

I see this same sort of misrepresentation by some about the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) that will be on the November ballot. Opponents of the ordinance are promoting it as "the bathroom ordinance" or "the predator ordinance," stating that HERO will subject women and girls to sexual predators who are "allegedly confused" by their gender identity. The truth is that HERO will help ensure people the basic rights to find a job, enjoy an evening out, and obtain a place to live without discrimination.

Today I'm celebrating the vision of equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, creed, color or gender.

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