Friday, October 16, 2015


A couple of months ago on a Friday night, I got small thin crust pizzas, as well as a couple of movies. Dr. Mc and I put on our stretchy pants and, along with Mr. B and TLP, we enjoyed a relaxing evening. Unfortunately Big Daddy Nick was touring with The Suffers, as he is this weekend, also.

As I remember it, TLP was cooperative (i.e., quiet and ready for bed early), which made for a great movie night at home. I'm thinking about a repeat of that adventure tonight, and wonder what took me so long to do it again. Maybe every Friday night should be pizza and movie night?

Today I'm celebrating the start of the weekend. My schedule doesn't change any during the weekend, but Mr. B is around the house. It is <insert (a) or (b) here> nice to have Mr. B home. <(a): always; or (b): usually>

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